Chapter 16 - Taking Care Of Jean Gunnhildr As A Child

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"Okay how long? Cause we have to keep the fact that she has turned into a child from all of Mondstadt." I said to him.

"From what I can infer, she will turn back into normal in 24 hours from when she was affected." Albedo said to us.

"You gotta be kidding me. She's gonna stay like that for a day." I asked him incredulously.

Okay that was not what I hoped for. If it was 2 or 3 hours it would be fine but for a whole day. At least a dozen knights come into Jean's office everyday, hiding her for such a long time is going to be difficult.

"Can't you make a reversing potion?" Varka asked him.

"That is hard. For I would have to experiment first before coming up with a solution." Albedo said to us.

"What if you got help from Lisa as well? She is pretty smart." I suggested to him.

"Awww, thanks cutie. He is correct, I am proficient in making potions so it will help immensely." Lisa said with her usual smile.

"Well, we can rest easy then. Having two of the Knights most capable potion makers will help solve the problem much faster." Kaeya said with a smile.

"Okay, so that's done. So what do we tell the knights and people about her disappearance for the time being?" I asked them for our second problem.

"We can say that she took a leave abruptly due to being too exhausted. That will work since she usually works herself until she can no longer go on." Varka said to us.

That is a good one since it is known amongst the knights that Jean works too much. So it is a very plausible explanation.

"Okay, that's covered then. We have one more problem to take care of." I said to them.

"Who's going to take care of Jean right?" Kaeya asked the question.

"Me, Lisa and Sucrose won't be able to since we have to make a counter potion." Albedo said to us.

Well, that's a good reason since we need them to work on the potion.

"I can take care of her." Kaeya said with a smile.

"No!" All of us except for Sucrose said in unison.

Kaeya cannot be left to take care of kid Jean. The last thing I want is for her to pick up his habit and I'm pretty sure the normal Jean wouldn't like that. And it seems the other's agree as well.

"Oh come on. I didn't expect you to say that Lisa." Kaeya said as he gave Lisa a betrayed look.

"Sorry Kaeya but I'm her good friend and I'm sure she wouldn't like it. Also, I pretty much like the normal Jean." Lisa said as she smiled at him.

"Well, I can't take care of her. I have my duties as Grandmaster." Varka said his reason.

Well, that leaves only one person left. And the others also realised this as they all turned to look at me.

"Guess it's me." I said with a grin.

"It would seem so cutie." Lisa said with a smile.

Well, not that I mind really, I have taken care of kids in my old world so I have some experience with taking care of children.

"Well, I don't have any problems with that. Problem is, how do I take care of her without raising any suspicions?" I asked them.

"I have an idea. I can use a potion to change the colour of her hair." Lisa said with a smile.

"You have something like that?" I asked surprised.

"Cutie~, I get a bit bored when I don't have anything to do so I spend my time like that." Lisa said with a smile.

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