Chapter 2

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[Short chapter WARNING!!! ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ]


Next day ~

Felix woke up early today. He couldn't get enough sleep after encountering that wierd neighbour of his.

"Gosh... I'm having a terrible headache...." he groaned.

After getting ready, he went towards his college. He didn't notice all the texts and calls from Seungmin since he hadn't checked his phone since last night.

"Hey! Wait up!! We have been tryin' to contact you since last night bro... Where have you been??" Chan asked as he huffed after running towards the other.

"Oh... I...I'm extremely sorry Chris..."


Felix POV:

"Did you like your new appartment???" I really wanted to tell them what happened...

But maybe... It's not that necessary...

"Well... It's quite cosy... And the neighbours... Well friendly..." I lied.

They nodded.

I don't know what's up with my life lately... It continues to disclose its new horrifying chapters for I'm ain't ready yet.

'Urgh...' I sighed.

"Hey... Seem tired ... You alright...?" Chris asked with a concerned look in his eyes. I'm really glad to have such friends who are actually concerned and worried for me.

"Yeah... I mean... I didn't had enough sleep last night..." I spoke up.

"Why's that?"

"Well-" nope... I shouldn't worry them with unnecessary things. "I had to unpack all of my luggages...that why... It's ok. I'm alright mate!" replied with a cheerful voice. He just nodded with a sad smile.

Cafeteria ~

"It's been a year since that boy named Jisung went missing. Thought the police would never reopen this case again... Infact they already had declared as a cold case." we heard a crowd of boys speaking as they passed us.

"It's kinda allover the internet..." Seungmin spoke up. Chris nodded.

"Heard that there's a new officer. Newly promoted. Very skillful and smart." Chris added. I just nodded.

"Hmm... But why suddenly...?" I asked, finally curious.

"Well, guess the new officer want to reinvestigate this himself." Chris said. "Moreover the previous one was lazy as fuck..." he rolled his eyes.

"I see..."


This case had really kinda caught my interest...

A boy going missing out of nowhere... No proper investigation... Declaring it a cold case... Reinvestigation... Kinda catchy...

And moreover... The last time he was seen or got missing was very near to my new appartment... It's creepy. Hope I can sleep tonight properly....


The rest of the day went by peacefully... excepting my headache.


[Back at the appartment]

"Urgh... My head hurts...." I groaned. It really did.

It wasn't dark yet. It's just an hour after dusk. I started to find my keys. I unconsciously kept searching. My headache grew so much, that I had keep my eyes closed.

'Shit!! Where are my keys?!' I cursed.

Did I drop it in the college building while packing up my back? How could I?!

I really don't have the energy to go the college and search that damn key! I don't have any clown keys to open the damn door.

I softly banged my head of the door of my appartment.

"Urgh..." I groaned again.

I think I have to call Seungmin to pick me up and let me stay at his house for tonight. I don't want to trouble him.

I took out my phone and was about to dail his number when suddenly someone spoke up...

"Seems like you lost your keys. Want to stay in my appartment for tonight...?"


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<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

[Extremely sorry for such short chapter😖🙏🙏🙂😥

New update shortly aheadddd

Stay tuned and please do comments 🙏🙏 it encourages me🙏🙏😥😥]

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