Chapter 3: Wei WuXian

Start from the beginning

"You are here." A statement as dead as I felt made me glance sideways. It was Lan ChenXi, Ah-Wang's elder brother. 

I bowed, and he left without a word. After my Wang, he was the most genuine person I knew. Even if he blamed me, which he should, the older Lan never showed it, and I knew he never would. Closing my eyes, I reminisced the last time Wang and I were… us. 

It was two weeks ago. 

I had been buzzing with excitement since the night before. I had prepared a candle-lit dinner for us, but Ah-Wang called and informed me that an emergency at Hope would delay him. A little bummed, I decided to look at the bright side: a surprise he wouldn't see coming. 

A light sleeper, I heard the door click open and then shut at around two. Ten minutes later, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. Shorty, skilled fingers slid under my shirt, and warm lips peppered kisses between my shoulder blades. Typical. He was in the mood. So was I, but… 

"Ah-Xian," His breath caressed my back, "Sorry for spoiling our dinner date." His fingers explored my front before stopping on my heart. 

It was thundering. Like it always did. The anticipation of what would follow made it impossible to stay still and pretend I was still asleep. Of course, my Wang knew it already. He knew everything there was to know about me. I turned around in his arms, and he pulled me in for a deep lingering kiss. If not for the need to breathe, we wouldn't have stopped. 

The dark scared me, so we always left the night lamp on. "You look tired," I observed. He acknowledged it with a sweet smile. He had confessed to me once when we had just started seeing each other that I had taught him how to smile. 

'You are my smile, Ah-Xian.' He had said with sincerity when we had made love for the first time. 

His hand slipped under my shorts and cupped my cheek, the other cheek, making me giggle, "My lion, rest. You have all day tomorrow to do as you please."

Without moving his hand, he flipped me on my back. "Smile for me and rid me of my fatigue."

I couldn't hold back a small laugh, "If I smile, it will rid us of our clothes and sleep." I reminded him, and he sighed, burying his face in my neck. 

"Sometimes I hate my job." 

"I know, my love. But most times, you love it." Stroking his hair, I whispered, "How about we fuck later? Let me satisfy you with my hot kisses for now."

Ah-Wang huffed. He hated it when I used what he termed as 'vulgar words'; I amended the statement, "Let's make love later." and making him look at me, I brought our lips together. 

It was the last time we slept like that. Blissfully. 

When I opened my eyes next, we had a minute max before the alarm would go off, and I would have to wake Ah-Wang up. I tried to sit up, but Ah-Wang pressed me into the sheets instead. Looking at his calm and collected self, no one could have guessed he was a lion in bed. He looked at me, his intense monolids hungry with want. I was a rabbit about to be devoured by my lion. I wanted it; I wanted him to fuck me to the moon and back. 

But the blasted alarm went off just as I was about to open my legs and invite him in. It made him growl at the stupid thing. 

Returning to catch my eyes, he purred. "Ah-Xian… Xian," nuzzling my cheek, he handed me my phone, "-shut that thing off."

While I reluctantly complied, his innocent nuzzling morphed into moan-inducing nips and licks starting at my jaw, moving down, systematically covering every exposed inch of skin. Blood rushed south, and I pushed at his chest, "Dr. Wang, we can do it later. If we don't leave now, we will miss the sunrise."

A grunt, that's all I got before warm hands landed on my waist and teased the band of my boxer. "No."

"Doctor, you promised." I got the words out with difficulty as persistent fingers changed course. They crept up my inseam to find their destination and wrapped me in delicious heat. 

It was distracting as fuck, and only a fucker like myself could have done what I did next. "Please, Ah-Wang, I really…do..n't want to miss… it." I requested between labored breaths. 

"Xian, sleep with me." He countered, continuing his ministrations, bringing me close to the edge. He knew what I loved and how I loved it. Kissing my neck, he demanded in his goosebumps-inducing voice. "Xian, sleep with me. I have missed you."

This was blackmail, and I wasn't going to stand for it! Granted, we hadn't had much time together since I started touring, and he was called back to attend to an old patient, but that didn't mean he could break the promise. I had been planning this for weeks. I pushed his chest harder, making him stop and look at me. "Is that all you care about? I know you have missed fucking me, but are you so desperate that you want to break your word!?" I regretted it as soon as I said it. 

Have you ever watched a heart break? I have, in his eyes. It was like a song of storm and silence brewing in the heart of the sea. 

Ah-Wang was off of me an instant later. "Sorry. I didn't… I will start the breakfast."

"Dr. Wang," I reached for him, but he shook his head and smiled, "Go. Shower. Let's not make the sun wait for us." Then patting my head, he added, "You are a good-looking man, Xian, but what I fell in love with is what's on the inside. Don't ever forget that." His face hardened a smidgen, "We don't fuck. We make love. I would appreciate it if you would stop saying that." 

"Mr. Wei?" A female voice cracked the illusion that my Wang was still walking and talking. A look over my shoulder revealed a nurse, the same one who was here yesterday and the day before. "Dr. Lan wants to know if you are ready."

"Give me five more minutes." I requested without looking at her. A moment later, the door clicked shut. Leaving my seat, I joined my soulmate on the hospital bed. Holding him close, I kissed his cheek. "I am sorry, Ah-Wang; if only I had slept with you instead of pushing you away, we would be together now. I always knew you loved me. I didn't mean what I said." I brought out foreheads together, careful not to touch the area that had still not healed. "Ah-Wang, I am sorry for being such an insensitive jerk." Pulling a ring from my pocket, I slid it onto his ring finger, "There will never be anyone else. Thank you for loving me, Ah-Wang."

Chapter Word count: 1843
Word count so far: 6452

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