Dumpster Fire

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Everything's fine.

I'm fine.

We're fine.

Just kidding,
There's something that's keeping us dead.
Though the look in your eyes has me suspecting
It's all in my head, all in my head
Blurring my vision, clouded with smoke
Choking on disillusions

I didn't do this on my own—

I gave you an inch
And you took a mile
Pushing limits and exceeding expectations

And I'm just trying to help
But it's killing me to smile

Why do we choose worse
When we deserve better?
Knowing our worth
Yet opting to slaughter?

My life's a fucking dumpster fire

She's wasting her time,
Rotting her mind,
Relaying to me her bittersweet lies
Wasting my time, rotting my mind, adding fuel to the fire
Rolling smoke, clouding my eyes

But everything's fine.
I'm fine.
We're fine.

It's a pretty little lie,
We're a-okay and so alright
A lie, a lie in the night
I always lie awake at night
Sleepless lest the demons haunt my mind
Or sit on my chest, claws around
My neck to choke
Choke me on the rolling smoke that blinds my eyes

I can't grow here, I'm going to die

Are flowers scared when they have to get a transplant?
How long until the roots grow into a knot?
How long until my roots strangle me?
How long until the fire burns me out?

Why do we choose worse
When we deserve better?
Knowing our worth
Yet opting to slaughter?

My life's a fucking dumpster fire.

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