CHAPTER 31 : A Brotherly Conversation

Start from the beginning

She really makes me lose control.

In the evening, I left early. I had to be in the mansion by 6. As I reached the mansion, the first person I met was Diego.


"Have you been keeping eyes on Charlotte?" I asked.

He nodded "Yes."

"Good." I was leaving when I stopped, not turning towards him I said "You too Diego. Do not underestimate him."

Not waiting for his reply, I made my way to the study. Taking off my coat, I started going through the files on the desk. The files had the information about Cielo Moretti. He is the one killing my men so tonight I'm gonna solve this problem and after this I'm not losing any of the men in his hands.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Antonio entered the room. For some reason he looked happy.


"You look happy." I asked, resting both hands on the desk.

"You asked me to look after Charlotte and guess what?"

"What?" I asked, but clearly least interested in knowing.

"I was successful in saving her. Few men followed her to the alley and were this close in killing her but I saved her. I was just on time."

"Is she okay?"

"Of course she is, brother. It was me afterall."

"Good." Saying I concentrated back on the files.

"So!" He exclaimed, making me look up. "We should celebrate." He is really happy after saving Charlotte.

"I have a question, why are you so happy after saving Charlotte? She is a 45 year old lady, there's no chance something is going on between the two of you."

"What!? Hell no! What is wrong with you? I see her as a mother figure."

I rolled my eyes.

"I am happy that for the first time, I didn't fail you."

I was happy, I wanted to smile but didn't. He was focused on impressing me, he has been trying to impress me for a long time now, I can see it but everytime he just fucks up.

"So, now how do you wanna celebrate?" I asked.

He smiled widely and answered "With you."

"With me, how?"

"Let's go to the roof and have a drink, just brother's chat. I've always wanted to."

"You should do that with your own brother, not me."

He shrugged "I've never wanted to do this with anyone other than you."

I got up from my seat making my way out of the study when Diego was entering.

"Signore, the plan."

I didn't want to disappoint Antonio. This is the first time he has asked my presence in his life, I don't want to disappoint him. So I asked him to go to the rooftop first.

"Give me an hour, then we'll discuss the plan."

He nodded.

"And once, check on Charlotte if she's okay. I heard she was attacked."

Diego nodded "I already did that, she's better."

I nodded.

I was leaving when Diego asked "Have you forgiven him?"

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