Chapter 9- Acceptance

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Dani took two weeks to summon the courage to call Sweden. She had a doctor's visit to find out how far along she was. The ultrasound revealed she was seventeen weeks. How could she not know her body? Maybe it was the stress she went through in that period she failed to take care of herself. The doctor informed her that the baby was small because of a lack of maternal care in the interim. Her best news was the sound of the baby's heartbeat.

Caressing her little bulge, "Little one let's call your daddy."

"THE CALL CANNOT GO THROUGH. PLEASE......" the recording came on.

Dani tried again but the call was not going through. She then tried his office number and the receptionist refused to divulge his whereabouts and promised to pass on her message. Sighing sadly, now all Dani had to do was wait for him to contact her.


As weeks passed, Dani continued doing her job. The morning sickness was bearable and didn't cripple her daily activities. This project to her will be deemed one of her best works. As she saw the different rooms coming alive. Each room had its unique style and ambiance. The joy on her boss' face each time a room was unveiled was worth the swollen ankles which were kept hidden under her jeans or boots. Her pregnancy brought out a vivid creative side she knew not and with this new discovery, she was even more determined to complete the project on time before her baby's arrival.

Everyone was super helpful to her and the cooperation she received from her fellow decorators was more than she could ask for.

"Did the supplier get back to you?" Dani asked Debbie as they were seated in one of the rooms discussing a theme spec.

"Of course, I had some connections and I got through before the simulated time frame. It will be shipped later this week and we will get it by next week."

Raising their hands in joy, the two women were excited. Leon then entered the room and Debbie left the two.

Leon since the revelation, never wore the gifted anniversary cologne because he was at Dani's aid once he was at the castle as his ideas aided hers. Today he flew in as it was spring break from college.

"Hi Dani, you are glowing." he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek

Dani was showing being twenty-seven weeks, today she wore white pants that showed off her ankles which were not swollen, with a black striped maternity top. Her purple hair was longer showing off her black roots styled in a high one. Her face showed her pregnancy, chubby cheeks, and a bright smile. She indeed glowed.

"I am so happy to see, you Leon." She gushed truthfully. Leon was one of her favorite people. An old lady in the village told her it was because she is carrying a girl child. Dani decided she would wait at the birth for confirmation.

"What are you doing?" he asked peering into boxes that were strewed around the room

"I am trying to decide which colour to go with. I am so glad you are here, you can help me." she looped her hand into his and for the next few hours, they collaborated on ideas.


"I find the throne is a little too much." Kristoff voiced rubbing his chin.

"I want it!" the angry Mrs. Devian demanded. "That's the bloody reason I bought the damn castle."

"Then the concept of the throne room will have to change." He eye rolled at the angry woman.

"Call Dani, NOW!" her voice echoes in the empty room.

Lately, Dani was the mediator between these two. Mrs. Devian couldn't get along with Kristoff for the love of creation. Dani had to step in to do damage control, allowing each to understand the next one's views. Today was no different. It was becoming a nagging habit to the pregnant woman who tried to control her emotions on a daily basis.

Hearing her name boomed across the rooms, she sighed loudly to the construction worker who laughed but when she showed him her angry face he excused himself quickly chuckling. She hesitated to go but then her name was called again followed by the strong-minded woman's assistant rushing in out of breath.

"Dani, come quickly they are at it once more and Mrs. Devian may hurt him." Jessie voiced out of breath.

Rolling her eyes, "The two should be placed in a boxing ring to release their tension. Come let us go save the day." Her tone showed her displeasure.

Arriving at the throne room the two were in a heated argument.

"What is the matter now?" rubbing her temple to gain the composure to stop the feud.

"He wants to remove my throne."

"What she wants in this room, the throne won't work."

And so they went for the next half an hour with Dani voicing her professional advice. In the end, the throne remained and Kristoff agreed with the decision. Dani once again saved the day and resolve the dispute.


Dani POV

The thatched roof with a small hole covered the small patio which has withstood the weather and years in seclusion. A little stream trickles in the middle of the garden as the yellow and red wildflowers dance on its bank basking in the mid-evening rays. The birds in the tall slender trees made heavenly music in union with chorus hums from the bees and chirps from the insects, creating a peaceful and enchanting ambiance.

I can hear and feel the wind as it rustled through the trees the leaves cast a cool shade over me as I sat on my colorful patched blanket on the shabby lawn. The landscapers are yet to invade with their tools as the raw beauty of the garden gave an inhabit refuge for me to relax with nature. The air calmed my mood changes as I took deep breaths of the freshwater laced with the sweet fragrance of the flowers, entwined with tall weeds which gave a table piece effect.

This is my place where I am in a different world just my unborn gift and me to unwind and relax. I love this place! I was so glad to have discovered this place months ago while taking an evening stroll.

It saddens my heart that I have not heard from Sweden. Krissy visited his office and was told he was presently out of the country and couldn't disclose his whereabouts. So I sit here even though I am happy to be pregnant, I am also heartbroken that he doesn't know about his child. I blame these roller-coaster emotions on my hormones caused by the pregnancy.

But lately, when I am alone in this beautiful secluded area, I cry. I cry for my Sweden because I miss him and feel alone in this pregnancy. I wish he was here holding my hand or just encouraging me to continue. I cry for my baby who may not know his or her father. Since I can't locate him and if I do would he believe I carried his child? I cry because this place is so damn beautiful and enchanting.


Sweden's POV

I have been here for the past seven months. A trailer hidden in the rainforest has been my home. For someone like me who lived a life full of luxury, servants to tend to my needs, being treated with uttermost respect, has changed. I have become self-sufficient, attending to all my needs even cooking at times, no one treats me like royalty, and I love it!

A couple of months prior, I called my office and was told Dani called but the receptionist couldn't locate the number she left. The number she had I tried called but was out of service. Could she have changed her number? With no way to contact her, I made up my mind once I am completed with this project, I am going in search of my purple-haired soul mate.

You Took My Love, I Took YoursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora