Chapter 4 - Insinuation revealed

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The next morning Dani left her husband sleeping and set out to run. When she returned the night before, he was waiting and surprisingly he wanted to hear about her night. The night events were relayed, omitting one highlight which she took to bed thinking about what she did. For this reason, she was prompted to go for a run in the early morning with the sea breeze as her guide.

Their kiss was on replay. Even though it was brief, the impact made it a life-changing experience. She never felt this way, not even with her husband. Spending time with Sweden, she felt appreciated. She knew it was wrong but deep down if Stephon is not being unfaithful, she wonders if her marriage was worth fighting for.

'Awww, what pain is this?" Dani said out loud bending over as sharp pain coursed through her lower abdomen.

"Are you ok?" the voice which pleasured her soul inquired.

Straighten up her eyes fell on his perfectly etched abs. Smooth tan skin with beads of perspiration running down his chest into his running shorts, which imprinted much of him. Her eyes traveled from bottom to top and landed on the lips which touched hers. Her thoughts were not pure.

"Dani are you ok?" he repeated

Embarrassed she stutters, "I have been running awhile, so I am kind of tired."

"Have you eaten for the morning?" he was concerned.

'To be honest, I haven't had my coffee."

"Would you like to go for a coffee?" he offered

"No thanks, I am meeting Stephon for breakfast, so I best be going. Talk to you later."

"Don't want to keep him waiting," Sweden mumbled.

"Goodbye." And he left in the opposite direction.

Dani stood there confused. No mention of last night. Did he forget or believe it was a mistake? These thoughts continued with her until she reached the villa.


Sweden left her before his frustration built up. Dani, whose face without makeup showed her true beauty. He wanted to kiss her once more. It took all his willpower to refrain from taking her into his arms. After last night, his attraction to another man's wife was evident and undeniable. He continued running, pushing himself in the process to shake the feeling but it kept him company.


Returning to the villa, a note on the side table informs her he had an early meeting but will make it to have breakfast with her. She prepared herself and went to the dining area. Seated she went through the menu. A pleasant brunette waitress came up to her and asked to take her order.

"I am waiting on my husband, so I will order when he arrives." She told the pleasant waitress.

"Ok, I will be back soon." And proceeded to the next customer.

Dani took out her cell phone and tried calling her husband but the calls went unanswered. Half an hour later and no show she decided to order. After the delicious breakfast of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and a tropical sundae, Dani felt a little queasy and rushed to the washroom.

She entered the nearest stall and the contents of her breakfast were released from her body. Cleaning up herself she felt nauseated. Her cellphone beeped, thinking it was Stephon she rushed to see the message but it was Sweden. He wanted to meet with her in the park.

On her way over she felt a little anxious. Did he get any evidence? Was this the revelation meeting? Those thoughts kept playing over in her mind. In the process of trying to call Stephon to no avail, she gave up and left to meet Sweden.


Arriving at the park she felt out of breath. In the distance, she saw the handsome guy dressed in black sweets. His hair was windblown. He had a nervous look which made her feel more nauseated as a dread feeling came over her.

She decided to let him come to her as her legs were not budging.

"Sweden." She shouted out, in the busy area with tourists and locals, the breathtaking man turned slowly. His eyes focused on her and a smile took over his frown. His walkover was not merely viewed by her but by the other women who were in the park.

With his deep sexy voice, "Hi Dani."

And her legs buckled, he grabbed her before she fell.

Concerned he asked, "Are you ok?"

Trying to hide her embarrassment she fiddled with the top of her shoes. Standing straight she nervously answered, "Yeah, I am ok. These shoes always pinch my skin."

What she wanted to say was, "Damn Sweden you make me weak in the knees."

His eyes roamed over her. Today she dressed in a short colored skirt showing off her toned caramel legs which went with a black thin 'v' cut top that revealed her cleavage with a sexy mole on her left breast. She made his heart palpitate more than usual. She looked so beautiful, her curls looked tamed and pulled from her face, showing her good looks.

Unfortunately, today he will crash her whole world. The PI got in contact with him and was in the process of sending photos as well as videos of the two deceitful spouses.

"I am glad you came. I thought Stephon would have objected."

"My husband didn't show up for breakfast, and he is not answering his phone." She informed him.

"To be truthful, Jewel was gone before I came back from running."

His phone began to ring, his mood changed as he excused himself to take the call. Whatever conversation was being conversed, made him angry as his voice was laced with venom.

Touching his arm, he tensed and Dani flinched when she saw his eyes.

"Sweden what is wrong." The dread feeling came over her once more.

Hanging up, he looked at her with a solemn look, "Dani...." He was interrupted as notifications kept coming in on his phone. Opening it, his face looked shocked, then furious.

Dani took the phone away from him and looked at the screen. Her face got ashen as she clutched her chest. What felt like hours, were minutes that destroyed part of her life. She pushed the phone back at Sweden and ran. Sweden called after her but she kept going, darting through the crowd until she reached her villa. She couldn't breathe as she fell to the ground clutching her chest, gasping, and trying to breathe to prevent the oncoming panic attack.

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