Chapter 13

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Budo's POV-

I was walking along the school corridors, looking for her. My heart started racing, I was getting impatient. I needed to see her face, her beautiful face. 

It was eerily quiet and I couldn't hear anything except the noise of my steps echoing, my shoes were creaking on the floor. I was starting to get anxious, I looked around and noticed no one was there. 

'Where'd they all go?'

I decided to take a detour and head to my classroom to see if anyone was there. As I opened the door, my face turned pale with horror. 

My eyes widened as I looked before myself, I saw a pile of bodies scattered across the room, each having multiple stab wounds. 

Everyone was dead.

I started panicking, then ran to the faculty room to see if any teachers were there, but as I entered it, I noticed all the teachers were dead too.

I felt a twist in my stomach, my breathing began to slow down. Whoever did this must be coming for me next, I need to be prepared. I-




I know who did this. 

I ran outside to find another trail of bodies scattered, except this time they formed a pathway, which, I'm guessing, leads to the incinerator. 

I mentally prepared myself, ready to block whatever attacks she throws my way. I followed the trail to its end which did, in fact, lead to the incinerator. That's when I saw a single corpse lying in front of it, which shocked me. 

It was the corpse of Taro Yamada. 

'But, why would she- I thought she loved him...'

"Budo-Senpai..." I heard that familiar voice coming from behind me. I turned around to see Ayano, standing there with a knife in her hand. She was covered in crimson blood, her hands completely red, splatters and splashes of blood were scattered on parts of her uniform and the rest of her body. 

Still, even like that, she looked beautiful. In some weird, twisted, disturbing way, something about seeing her like this made me feel things I shouldn't be feeling. Well, whatever it is, I had to push it aside. I needed to talk to her. 

"Ayano, what did you do?" I asked her, trying my best to stay calm.

"I.. killed them. All of them." She told me, observing my face, seeming to anticipate my reaction. 

"Why did you kill him? What did he do? I thought that he," I paused,

"I thought you loved him." I said in a low voice, looking at his corpse, rotting next the fence. There was something so satisying about seeing him finally gone, out of the picture, but I couldn't help but still feel guilty.

"You're right. I loved him. I don't anymore. He means nothing to me." she said nonchalantly, not seeming to care about anything she did. I gritted my teeth in frustration.

"Ayano, do you have any idea how much pain you put me through because of him? How much pain you put everyone through because of him? Everything you did for him, all the girls you 'sacrificed' for him? And now you just kill him off? So Osana, Amai and Kizana's deaths were completely worthless? You ruined people's lives, you traumatized everyone, you-"

"and now everyone is gone. So I have nothing left to feel guilty or responsible for." She replied, infuriating me even more.

I was about to let out my frustration until she said something which baffled me.

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