Chapter 12

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Nobody's POV-

The tears continued to roll down the girl's face as she stood inside the empty bathroom. The only thing she could think of was Taro's words.

'So he only talked to me out of pity that day huh... To him I'm just some weirdo with no friends...'

Ayano sobbed uncontrollably, unable to stop her tears. The thought of not having a chance with her Senpai meant that she would continue to live a mundane life without any emotion, if he saw her as a freak there'd be no way she could get him to accept her confession.

After a few minutes of sobbing, she started to calm down. 

Eventually, her expression changed and her tears suddenly stopped rolling.

'What am I even doing? Crying over such minor words? I thought I was stronger than that...'

She wiped off the remaining tear droplets from her porcelain skin, then looked at herself in the mirror.

The girl carefully observed her face, which was slightly puffy after her breakdown. The glistening skin under her eyes which indicated she had cried, the occasional sniffles, the redness in her eyes, all of this over a few words....

The more she observed her face in the mirror, the more she realized how idiotic this was. 

Oddly enough, she smiled and let out a chuckle, which eventually turned into laughter.

"I can't believe I've become so pathetic to the point where such a minor incident would reduce me to tears.." She scoffed at herself.

The only thing Ayano could do was laugh. Laugh at how weak she's become, laugh at how stupid the whole situation was. 

Her eyes, now puffy red, with condensation visible around her eyes indicating she had cried, contrasted to her wide smile as she giggled, still thinking about how stupid she was. 

If anyone were to walk in right now, they'd call the police and probably admit her in a psychiatric ward. Though, evident by her behavior, she most likely needs it.

Just then, she heard a faint knock on the door. She opened the door without any hesitation, not caring if that person saw her with puffy, red eyes, swollen from crying.

After all, what did the opinions of others even mean to her? She only saw them as hollow beings with empty faces. The only person whose opinion she cared about was her beloved Senpai.

When she opened the door, she was startled to see Budo there, who seemed shocked to see her as well.

"Ayano? Where were you? I was looking everywhere for you, I got us snacks." He asked. 

As the boy observed the girl standing in front of him a bit longer, his expression grew concerned. He placed the items in his hand a nearby table.

"Are you... alright? You don't look okay." He asked in a worried tone.

"It's nothing, I was just upset because of something completely useless." She replied, but Budo's expression hadn't changed, as he wanted to know what could possibly upset someone like Ayano.

"But you're not the type to get emotional when it comes to people..." He pondered, wondering who could possibly be special enough to make Ayano upset, until the realization hit him.

"What did he do?" Budo asked.

Ayano sighed, not wanting to get into that conversation. She knew exactly who Budo meant by 'he'.

"Did you see him talking to another girl or something?" He asked.

"No, it wasn't like that." She replied, still leaving him clueless towards the situation.

Poisoned Honey (Ayano x Budo)Where stories live. Discover now