ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 25

Start from the beginning

He also noticed that M/n was looking at the ground while not uttering a single word.
"hey, M/n. Why don't you say we hang out sometime? Like in the old times?"
Elijah leans towards M/n's face waiting for a response.
"I...i...we should go..." M/n said grabbing yuri's arm and dragging him far away from Elijah.

"M/n? What's wrong?" yuri asks trying to keep up his pace. He looks behind only to find Elijah smiling ear to ear.

Elijah watches the two figures walking away from a distance. His smile dropped and glared at the raven hair.
"so he made a boyfriend while we're separated huh? Fucking whore..."
He balled his fists and walked in the opposite direction.
"let's see if you can escape me now my dear M/n~" he smiled at the thought of keeping M/n locked inside a room to which only he has access.

"h-hey darling! What's wrong?" yuri asks as soon as m/n stops dragging him.
"haha...haah..." M/n catches his breath.
"Are you okay? You don't look too happy to see that guy earlier...not to mention you're also shaking too" yuri wraps his arms around M/n hugging him.

"I...I can't believe he's here..." m/n mumbled which made yuri concerned.
"I'm here if you want to talk it out. Do you?" yuri asks. M/n slowly nods.
Yuri and M/n sat at a cafe.
"you can start anything you want" yuri sips on his latte.
"he...he's my ex...remember when I said I don't have any record of dating? That was a complete lie...sorry" M/n apologize. Yuri's gazes widen but return to their normal faze. He gestures M/n to continue
"Well I met him as a senior inside the government...he was the first one to come to me since we were paired up."
M/n plays with the hem of his shirt.

"and then we started to fall in love...and well made it official after knowing each other for half a year...at first it was fine but then he started to become obsessed and tried to control my life. When he met my dad for approval just like we did. He asks him the same question he asks you..."
'how much do you love my son?' Klein asks Elijah who sat beside M/n.
'I love him to the point I would do anything to keep him for myself. And only me' Elijah smiled. Klein noticed his son a bit shaken up when he said that. Thus, Klein asks a question once again.

'are you happy with each other?'
'We are!' Elijah beamed.
M/n stayed silent for a second before nodding. Klein squinted his eyes towards his son and the hand that was wrapped around M/n's shoulders.
It looks like he was squeezing his shoulders.

"then I don't approve of this relationship you have with my son. Therefore I shall not see you near or talking to my son." Klein stood up not bothering to look at Elijah's wide eyes.

"b-but, sir! I love your son dearly!" Elijah tries to make excuses but was not enough to convince Klein otherwise
'one is falling in love and one is falling out of love. You can call it one-sided. Leave' Klein points towards the door.

"After that...he stalked me for 5 months. Some of them are sending weird letters. Even going far as breaking inside my house. My father couldn't protect me since he has urgent work back in Russia. But he did hire some bodyguards to keep me safe. However, it didn't help much. This went on and on until Elijah goes to another country to run as his parent's successor in their company.
I didn't really think that he would come back..." M/n felt shivers down his spine." cf guy by v

Yuri was staying silent so M/n looks up only to be met with a scary-looking yuri who was gripping the armchair tightly to the point his hand is shaking.
His eyes are glaring at the cup of latte laid on the table.
"y...yuri...?" m/n calls out.

"that son of a bitch..." yuri mumbled.
Making M/n scared.
"can I report him?" yuri looks up.
"you can't! He has a big image inside the government. He'll pay his way out of it!" M/n said hopelessly.
"if I can't report him let me at least give him SSS special treatment..." yuri's eyes began to darken.
"even if you do that. He'll report you back!" M/n shouted a bit.

"let's just...enjoy this day? And pretend that we didn't see Elijah"
M/n smiled weakly. Grasping yuri's hand. Slowly rubbing it to reassure him.
"fine..." yuri gave up.
The day went on as the two watched a movie at the cinema. Yuri dropped M/n safely at his house. Saying their goodbyes to each other along with a small kiss.

M/n can't help but feel like being watched somehow. It made him paranoid. He tried to distract himself by filling his head with other stuff.
He heard his phone vibrate.

'yuri?' m/n thought. Pulling out his phone.

«                         | Elijah |                       •••

Elijah: no greeting whatsoever?
Man, you're really cold towards me M/n.
I feel betrayed...

You: how'd you get my number?!

Elija: did some digging. After all, it's been years since we have last seen each other.

You: you crazy bastard!

Elijah: just you wait M/n... you'll be crawling back to me now that I have solid proof...

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