Chapter 9:The Princess and Prince Charming

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"It's not like I can tell anyone this!" Cecily retorts.

"Then be yourself, Cecilia. Before you found out about all of this." Her mom says. "Now go to school."

Cecily pauses for a second, remembering something that her mom had said yesterday.

"Mom, you've still never told me the second piece of news." I note.

She pauses. "Oh. Um I'll tell you a later time. It's really something that we all have to discuss as a family. Now go! You don't want to be late."

"Whatever." Cecily says, leaving the house.

She walks out into the circular drive way and into the mini van sitting next to Derrick.

"What took you so long?" Her dad asks, starting the engine.

She ignores him.

"I'm just letting you know there'll be more guests in the car during these rides." Her dad says.

"Carpooling? How is that even possible? There is like no room in here!" Cecily screeches.

"Cecily, you complain too much." Her brother pokes her.

"Ohmygod get away from me!" Cecily yells.

Okay. She knows she may have been seeming a little harsh lately. But, she can't help it! Her mood reacts to things weirdly.

They stop in front of a large, but not as large as her home, house. Matt steps out dressed similar to Derrick. And his little brother comes out beside him. Matt puts a hand in his perfectly wavy hair and comes up to the car.

Derrick gets out and does some weird handshake with Matt and sits in the passenger seat.

"shotgun!" Derrick yells.

Matt laughs. "Whatever, dude."

He opens the sliding door and smiles at me before taking a seat. "Hi Cecily."

"Hi Matt." She nods at him.

His little brother sits in the back waving to everyone, but nobody in particular. "Hi everyone!"

"Hello, Mr.Scott!" Matthew greats my father.

"Hello my boy!" Cecily's father booms, driving out of the neighborhood.

"I am so pumped up for basketball tryouts!" Derrick enthuses.

"You know, our school has the best team in Atlanta." Matt grins.

"Oh I've heard."

Cecily just kind of sits there awkwardly pretending that she cares about or even know what a basketball is.

They pull up to the school and she looks out of the window in disgust. Kids are swarming around everywhere. The upperclassmens don't wear uniforms but every other grade does. She believes that is absolutely stupid.

"Here's your stop!" Her dad smiles.

"Yeah. Bye dad!" Cecily calls to him.

Everyone else says there goodbyes as they step out of the mini van.

Matt's little brother runs up to his little group of friends.

Cecily sighs and walks to a giant circle of the school. She guesses this is where all of the students interact with each other. She honestly doesn't know where she's going. Being a new student in real life is nothing like being a new student on TV.

"Cecily! Wait up!" She looks over to see Matt running over to her.

People turn all of a sudden.

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