Y/N: Do you think he's mad?

Shepard: Most likely.

I just groaned then thought what we had to do next.

Y/N: What's next on our mission list?

Shepard: Next is we are heading to Noveria as the geth have been sighted there. 

Y/N: Alright then, I'll get some rest and you should do the same. You still look pale.

Shepard: Fine, and I'll be coming with you on the planet.

Y/N: What why?

Shepard: Because I read the report.

Y/N: It wasn't that bad.

Shepard: You were going to blow up a building to get rid of the geth ship.

Y/N: It still blew up in the end!

Shepard: And you threw the explosive at the Thorian as well as leaving it out of the report.

Y/N: That was self-defense.

Shepard: Get some rest Y/N. 

Sighing I massage my forehead before replying.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Right before I left the comms room I turned to Shepard to say something important.

Y/N: Making me leave means another argument won by yours truly.

Shepard: And you have another ten more to win before we're even.

Heading out I found a chair to sleep in and closed my eyes to rest, but I ended up waking up back up and I was in the Normandy, if it was dumped into an ocean of blue paint. Walking around I went into the comms room and saw a strange long nosed man sitting in a desk.

???: There you are. You must have questions

Y/N: Yeah like why the Normandy is blue? And who the hell are you?

Igor: Welcome to the Velvet room a place between dream and reality, mind and matter. My name is Igor.

Y/N: Okay Igor why am I here?

Igor: I am here to tell you about your mission in the future.

Y/N: Mission?

Igor: Yes, you will be helping the trickster in the future.

Y/N: Whoa wait a minute what?

Igor: It seems this is all the time we have, I'll tell you more the next time we meet.

Y/N: Wait a min-

I sat up with the feeling of someone's hand on my shoulder and when I turned I saw Shepard.

Shepard: Are you okay Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, just a weird dream.

Shepard: we're close now.

Y/N: Alright.

Following Shepard we went to the cockpit.

Shepard: You should stop sleeping in chairs, it's not good for you.

Y/N: It's the only way I can sleep Shepard... You know this.

Shepard: I know, but please try to sleep in a bed.

I didn't give an answer and we got to the cockpit and saw Noveria coming up ahead and Joker went on the comms letting those below know we were approaching. 

Joker: Approach control, this is the SSV Normandy. Requesting a vector and a berth. 

Noveria Approach Control: Normandy, your arrival was not scheduled. Our defense grid is armed and tracking you. State your business. 

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