Three biggest fears

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Ok so I have now discovered my three biggest fear ever. And I mean I'm petrified of all three of these things.


Ok seriously I don't want to even explain myself here it's just...nope can't do it.

2) relationship

Ok I'm not a shearing person. Hell all my emotions are kept swiftly in my little heart which is rapped up in a chain and an unbreakable lock on it. Plus I don't trust people worth a damn so having to trust someone and kinda open up is just an unthinkable thing for me. Then there's the fact that I would have to share my heart. Relationships are a risk. I love taking risks but this one is different. 99% of risks don't have to deal with my heart. Relationships fall under that one percent that does deal with my heart and I don't like it.

3) death

I don't know who's not afraid of dieing.

So yeah......

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