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Teaser: You've been friends with Michael for quite a few years after meeting him at a networking event for artists, but you've always had a secret crush on him. When your music takes off, he suggests you go celebrate, and it gets... out of hand.

2nd Pov:

It had been a whirlwind of a week. Navigating life as an upcoming singer had been very difficult and mostly unrewarding, but this week, right after your album release, your songs were destroying the charts in ways you hadn't even fathomed possible. Nobody knew your face yet, but they would soon. Already, your number-one track had surpassed multiple tracks on Michael Jackson's Thriller album in popularity, and now, here you were on a Friday evening, sitting in his living room listening intently to the radio and waiting to rub his face in it.

"Hey guys, it's Dean on 105.7, the groove! We're back from commercial to discuss the hottest music out right now. As you know, we only have time for one album, and the people have chosen...

You both sat at the edge of your seats, waiting for his answer.

"Y/N L/N's new album, [ your title]!"

You jumped out of your seat, facing Michael triumphantly. "I told you! I knew he'd pick me today!"

Smiling widely and rolling his eyes, Michael replied, "Whatever, Dean loves newbies like you."

You crossed your arms, faced away from him, and beamed at the radio, imagining all the places you could be in a year from today.

"Hey, I was only joking. You upset?" Michael asked, staring at the pretty curls adorning the back of your head.

You spun back around to him, smiling. "Nah, Mike, I'm so happy. My dreams are real," you squealed, looking at him, eyes full of passion and joy. A blush began to creep across Michael's face, though it went unnoticed by you.

He smiled up at you and then glanced at his feet before suddenly jumping out of his own chair. "I have an idea!" he said, pointing upwards in a superhero-like pose.

You giggled at his antics. He hadn't changed at all since you'd met. "And what would that be?"

"We should go out tonight to celebrate!" he said, folding his arms and nodding triumphantly.

"Where? The theaters to go watch Peter Pan again?" you chuckled, gently flicking Michael's nose.

He swatted your hand away and scoffed, "No, I meant like the club or something."

You looked him up and down skeptically, from his Mickey Mouse sweatshirt to his sweet face, and said, "You...? Wanna go to the club...? With me...? Tonight...?"

Michael turned around to his chair, grabbed a pillow, and tossed it at you. It hit you square in the face, rustling your hair. "Be ready by ten. I'mma come pick you up, okay?"

"In the cool black limo?" you squealed, your eyes lighting up again.

"In the cool black limo," he confirmed, his eyes softening at the apparent excitement in yours.

"Does this mean I'm a big shot now?" you joked, reveling in your closeness.

As you looked into your close friend's eyes, you felt a pang of sadness. Though you were so thankful for your friendship, you'd always longed for more. You knew that if your label expected you to tour, you wouldn't see him for months, and you'd probably drift apart. It would start with him forgetting to call, then maybe he'd miss a text from you, and then one day, you'd wake up, and today would just be a treasured memory.

He noticed your aloofness and tilted his head. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing," you said softly, shaking your head and walking to the front door, "See you tonight! Don't wear anything with Mickey Mouse on it!"

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