A past now forgotten

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apologies for the rushed/short chapter! 

Fan sets down the clipboard onto the wooden table with a sigh, the swivel chair creaking as he leaned on it. "What's the point of this, Test Tube?"

Test Tube focused on the folder in her hand, still writing without looking up. "You know exactly what the point of this is, Fan. Stop asking dumb questions." Fan frowns, leaning against the warm threaded seat with his arms crossed. The clunky sounds of Test Tube typing on the keyboard of her computer made the atmosphere tense. Fan was done interviewing some of the other subjects, and he had no idea what she has been up to this entire time. Despite Knife's half assed answers, he still appreciated his cooperation. Being annoyed is definitely not what Fan needs right now.

"Hm, your results say that M-34 is... inattentive." Test Tube raises an eyebrow at Fan who only shrugged, taking his round glasses off to clean them with his lab coat. The blood on his coat was dry, so wiping it on the lenses wasn't going to stain it. At least he hopes it won't. "I never specified that, exactly. I just wrote down some points. She tends to fidget and rock back and forth when she's nervous or thinking, and she had a slight burst of anger when I asked her about T-34. By the way about that, I am never doing that again. We shouldn't be touching such sensitive nerves with the subjects." Test Tube tapped the pen against her lip, tapping her foot along with it.

She wrote down a few more notes before looking at Fan. "Well those don't prove hyperactivity. That's why I said inattentive. Or maybe she's both." Test Tube stacked the papers on top of each other before placing them inside one of her drawers, sighing angrily when she caught a glance at the incredibly messy interior. "Test Tube, we don't even know if she does have it. What if these are just some convenient symptoms that are just... normal every day habits?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that too. But calm down, I am not diagnosing M-34. I'm merely poking around curiously to see if they have symptoms of it." Test Tube glanced back at the piece of paper and fixed her glasses. "K-34 has none of the symptoms, as far a I'm seeing. T-34, nope. And B-34 didn't answer any of my questions."

Fan's face wrinkled into a distressed look, gripping the arm rests on the swivel chair. "You didn't... do anything to him, did you?" He whispered.

"Who, B-34? Haha, no, no. I didn't do anything. He was half asleep anyhow. Every time I woke him up, he wouldn't speak. After a few attempts, I just let him be. Perhaps we can try another time." Test Tube sipped on her coffee mug, wiping her lips with her sleeve.

Fan was skeptical, but didn't bother to push any further.

A few minutes pass, Fan somehow finding a comfortable position on the chair enough to fall asleep once more. Test Tube was wide awake, jotting down more and more notes until her bags became heavy. Both their sleep schedules were absolutely wrecked, their sleepiness beginning to slip in even if it was before 10 pm.

However, as 10 pm struck the clock, Test Tube caught herself falling asleep and waking up before a drop of saliva could hit the paper.

She groans, enveloping her face with her warm palms, "What time is it..?" She asks, obviously expecting an answer. The only answer she got in return was a muffled snore, her eyes peering over to the other side of the desk to find Fan asleep with his face in his arms. She rolls her eyes, checking his phone.

10:02 pm

"Hmm. I should go check on Nickel."

Test Tube didn't bother correcting the name, her mind was still drowned in sleep. She stood up and groaned, stretching and wiping the sleep away from her eyes before heading out into the hallway, leaving Fan asleep on the table. Her footsteps pattered softly against the tiles, her eyes moving around to find the light switch to the hall.

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