"Now wait here, that's not a good idea!" Index exclaims in worry because she damn well has a good idea where his thoughts are going and while he's adapting to magic, much better than others from science, it will still hurt him.

"You still don't believe in it at that point, you dumbass?" Mikoto groans because she may not have liked the thought of it, but she still accepted it existed at the very least, so she would be at least somewhat aware to defend against it.

"That's what the damn paper has written down on it, huh? That seems less than ideal to have in the hands of the enemy." Touma frowns, wondering why the people who attacked him on the train would have such an important thing on them if they thought they were going to lose... unless they weren't sent to attack him.

"Misaka is glad you are making progress, even if she thinks it's dangerous, there is nothing she can do to stop you." Last Order knows she can't stop him, but her eyes are wide in awe because she thinks she knows exactly what her Dad, her guardian, was doing before she woke up to put him in such a state.

"It's something super complicated, huh?" Yomikawa sighs, hoping something easy will at least head his way so he might be able to finally get a chance for a break, at least a short one since she doubts he's got much of a chance to rest recently.

"I know being knocked out is technically you being asleep in a way, but you really should get some actual rest, take the time to eat and drink something too, since I doubt you have at all since getting off the train, with everything going on." Yoshikawa scolds the idiot, because he won't make it too much farther if he doesn't take care of himself as he should.

"Especially if you add in the effects of blood loss, the pain of the injuries and the fact that not that long ago you were broken in several ways." Heaven adds onto the woman's statement because the boy is going to collapse soon from everything he's putting himself through.

"If I fucking had the chance and choice, I would've, but I was not going to sleep without someone I trust nearby or else I'd have been woken by every small sound in the room, outside the room and potentially in the hall way outside the room. On top of that, they were not really prepared for our arrival, so the food was taking a bit. All I could do was drink water." Accelerator knows what he should have done, but there wasn't exactly a choice there on what he could or could not do, he had to deal with what they had available.

The albino stares at the paper a moment longer and then turns to the man who was previously talking, who is but a few feet to his right, Last Order still resting on the couch behind him, a shelf full of books resting on the wall above her. "Who is this Elizaline person?" The man rocks back a bit. "Let's see, she's either a sorceress or a magician." The teen turns to face him more fully, turning his body rather than just his head. "I don't care. It doesn't really matter to me what she is or isn't. Do you think she'd be able to decipher this parchment?" he honestly sounds like he couldn't care less, focused only on his goal. The man looks to the floor, gives a short, contemplative hum and puts his hands on his hips. "If she can speak. As of right now she's lying in bed at a field hospital."

"Oh shit, so the only person who can help might not even be fucking awake or ok?" Mikoto is so damn frustrated at how many things are getting in his way and becoming obstacles, especially considering how well he had been doing.

"I mean, that's a fair way to look at it." Index barely manages to get out before she giggles because he really just wants to know if she can help, couldn't give less of a damn what she might or might not be.

"I get that, I'd be exactly the same in that kind of situation." Touma nods his head, taking a sip of his drink and almost gagging at the sudden assault of sweetness, looking to see he had grabbed a goddamn energy drink instead of his coffee. He wipes his mouth and rolls his eyes, leaning to grab his coffee and missing pale thin fingers meeting with small, thin fingers of someone wearing clothes just as pale as them.

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