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Michael POV:
Mom was walking C.C and I to the park. She decided that we would probably find it more comfortable if we went out. So here we were. I saw a bunch of kids playing in the swings, slides, a spinny thing?(Merry go round) And then some monkey bars.

Mom sat down on the bench holding C.C. and she smiled at me. "Go on, Go okay with the other kids." She laughed a bit. I shook my head and hugged her. "Come on Mikey, it's not that bad. Go find someone to play with." She rubbed my head as she usually did.

I frowned slightly and turned around. I looked around, seeing a bunch of other kids playing around. I didn't want to play with the others. I didn't like to play with kids I didn't really know. I went to one of the swings when I felt an arm grab onto my wrist.

I turned my head around and saw the face of a young boy. He was a little taller than me, and had blonde and red hair. He was smiling, still holding onto my wrist. "Hi! What's you're name?" He asked, letting go of my wrist.

I turned my body completely to see him fully. "Uhm... Michael." I spoke a bit quietly. "That's a nice name! Do you wanna play with me?" He chuckled a bit at the end of his sentence. I could tell that he was a really nice kid. "Sure." I smiled slightly back.

He laughed and then grabbed into my wrist again, then we started running towards the slide. "Trust me, we will have have lots of fun in the mean time." He continued to smile at me while running with me still.

I don't know why, but I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach seeing him smile at me. Maybe I was just glad I got a new friend. I was excited to see what we would do in the while I was there.

After a bit of playing...

I found out that his name was Noah. It was a nice name to be honest. We were both laughing on a bench in front of the park, with some juices that we had gotten from the snack dispenser. I looked around the bench and saw about 7 flowers in a pile, just laying there.

I took 2 and Geld them up in Noah's face. "Here! Keep one, so if we get separated and one day we see each other again, we'll know it's us!" I happily exclaimed. He looked with joyful eyes at me. "Good idea Mikey!" He took one and held it in his hand.

"I'll make sure to keep it forever and ever!" He said, admiring it. "Me too." I smiled. "Hey, why don't we go ask our moms for their phone number so we can hang out some time again?" He asked. "Good idea! Let's go to my mom."

I smiled. "Alright." He did it back. We talked while walking to my mom, when she suddenly got up and ran to me. "Ah, Michael! We have to go now sweetheart, you're father needs me immediately."

She held C.C. and started walking to the car a little fast. "But, what about..." my sentence got caught off by her leaving. I frowned and turned to face Noah. He also had a small frown but he quickly looked back at me.

"It's okay Mikey, I'll meet you again very soon! I'll be sure of it- and don't forget about you're flower." He smiled. I did it back and looked back at the flower in my hand. I went up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you Noah! I'll see you soon too! I love youuu!" I giggled while slightly kissing him on the cheek. (AS FRIENDS YA'LL. Yk little kids do this too ok, don't take it the weird way.😭)

I ran after my mom while waving back at Noah. He had a shocked look on his face, while rubbing his cheek softly and waving. His face turned into a smile though right after. I couldn't wait to see him again. I hope it was soon, because I could already tell we would be best friends.

709 words. I wonder If Michael and Noah will meet soon again after this...? Wait until next chapter to find out !  <3

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