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Michael POV:
Noah looked down at me with sadness in his eyes. "What?! And your parents can't reconsider it..?" He said with a whine. I was frowning, and I slightly shaked my head, no. He frowned as well and pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss you."

He sniffled and then hugged me. My eyes lit up at the words, I felt different about him. Like he was someone so important to me. I felt horrible with leaving him, I don't know why we even had to leave. We only stayed here for like 2 weeks.

I hugged him back and put my head on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you too, Noah." I felt some tears rolling down my cheeks and I felt Noah pull away from our hug. "Hey, don't cry. I promise that one day we'll see each other again!" I looked up at him.

He looked around in the floor and then his eyes lit up when he saw 2 leafs. They were green as the grass, so pretty. He picked them up then gave one to me. "Here, wear it every time you go out, that way when we see each other again then we'll know it's each other!"

He smiled as he handed me one of the leafs. I smiled and wiped my tears. "Okay." I took the leaf on his hand and put it on my hair. I hugged him again as he put his leaf in his hair. "Promise we'll see each other someday?" I asked as I pulled away to look up at him. He smiled. "Promise. Someday.." I smiled and hugged him one last time. I hope he was right.

281 words! Poor babies :(

How we met~♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें