
Start from the beginning

I drew my second blade and slashed at its throat as I landed on it's nape and gave the ending strike. I landed again heavily on the ground with these titans evaporating below me. I breathed a sigh of relief, then checked my gear. I had one hook left as the other had broken off and my blades were useless now as that was the last set I had. I hoped there were no more titans around otherwise it would be troublesome to manage.

Watching this the other cadets too sliced down the remaining titans with the help of our own gear. Finally, once everything was over I came down from the side with dust dawning my sleeves as I patted them off making my entry to the group. "WOO! WI E FUCKING DID IT!!! HEY...there is that bastard!!!" Hanji rushed and grabbed me under her hand as she pulled me to the group. Levi was the first to speak up, "You finally decided to attend the party, I thought I would have to send you an invitation." His scornful voice wasn't something I expected to miss. But nonetheless, was music to my ears.

"Give him a break please Captain Levi! Gosh, are you okay man?"Eren rushed over to my aid as he made me sit down and Armin sat down and started to observe my wounds, which were now in retrospect quite something. If I am not wrong, I had broken my 5th metacarpal and had sprains on my legs with the addition of my knees being bruised and bleeding with 60% chance of infection. Armin parrotted exactly what I thought as he might have read up on it somewhere. I was then blared by Levi's voice yet again with a scowl adorning his face, "Why didn't you even send a signal for help after that? Don't you care about your goddamm life? Do you have any fucking idea how important your worth is? Listen here brat, cause I am gonna say this once" He grabbed my collar as his glare ended in my eyes

"You aren't in this alone, you have your comrades. Either start asking for help or stay back at the barracks. I can't afford to lose you or anyone in this squad. I hope I made myself fucking clear. Listen here, all of you! Don't dare fucking die!" His rough attitude accompanied with his glare made everyone straighten their backs as they chanted, "YES CAPTAIN LEVI!" His eyes shot back at me as I said, "Don't have to worry about me, I consider myself priceless." I shot a glare of my own.

It's understandable from an outside perspective that this might be right. Why did I take such fatal risks? The answer was simple, I wanted a free life for myself. If that meant ending all the titans here or killing off someone. I would do it in a heartbeat, after all, freedom meant everything to me.

Not the patriotic kind, but rather the selfish one.

Hanji broke the tension by putting her hands around us both faking a bold laugh in this depressing situation, "Oh! Come onnn guyss! Let's just get along! We have much more important tasks to handle don't we?" I got up on my feet as started to walk but it seems Mikasa had strange plans of her own.

"You need rest, get on the horse. I take you there." Her monotonicity rivalled mine as I listened to her and got on the horse. Watching her grab onto the horse leash she spoke again,"Hold on, now." I heeded her as I got a grip on her hips as we galloped across to a safe spot where Ymir had apparently landed injured and bruised after I saw the crater in which she was laying in her human form.

Historia was next to her Ymir was unconscious. Historia's tears wouldn't stop as she wept thoroughly while mourning about how sorry she was, "I-I am sorry I hid the truth from the start. I-I wanted to go b-by the name Christa and introduced myself to you like that. A-and when my name was suddenly r-revealed on t-that day, with a daggered paper attached to everyone's front door. I d-didn't have an opportunity to explain anything to you. You trusted me and stayed quiet...and....I never...even told you....I-I am sorry....I always wanted to say to y-you why I hid it."

She started crying as her words turned even more gibberish but I could make out more than the rest, "It's bec-se...I.....h-had....hide......pa-r-nts....t-t....hey....g-gone....I-....titan..."

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