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Ayanokouji's POV

The closeness of the titan to my face showed it's a sharp look at my puny human body. The sheer anger it felt was being exuded, as it's hot breath seared my skin. I tried to get up but was lifted by none other than Levi as he swung by and was thrown at a tree next to him.

"Was throwing me necessary?" I asked as I sat up straight on the tree. He immediately gave me a glare as I turned around to Commander Erwin who asked Levi, "Was it necessary?"

Levi jumped down in between us as he grunted, "No......and Kiyotaka sometimes I wonder, how do you switch from a 30-year-old boy fighting alongside and even better than some of the recruits to a 5-year-old kid whining about being dropped? And Commander Erwin, can you stop supporting this brat."

I was 17

Commander Erwin simply gave a smirk as we focused on the titan that was just caught. It's 15 m self had dropped down to a 10 m. Everyone around me started dropping on the trees as we observed the titan from a distance. Eren spoke up,"Captain Levi, shall we end the titan?" while the others nodded to this common emotion.

Levi spoke in a complete refusal," I and Commander Erwin will be here. Everyone else, join the others in a control towards the outside territory." But, Commander had other plans," Kiyotaka, stay here."

Levi grunted approval as the rest nodded. It seems, that since I was the one to lure the titan, he wanted to extract more information from me. There was also a hidden agenda at play and it was favouritism. He was testing Levi's teammates reacting to it. Or maybe I am overanalyzing it.




"Now that we are alone, tell me Kiyotaka, how did you manage to control the casualties. I was quite certain, the casualties would be much higher." Commander Erwin immediately questioned.

"I made a deal with Captain Levi, to which he agreed." I looked over at Levi who nodded as I continued, "Can I be excused until he explains his part of the deal?"

Erwin nodded to my request as I dropped down to the titan's head. I had to get a closer look at her and this was the right moment. I was quite certain, these wires won't be enough to hold her down for long. If I am not wrong, Annie will be exposed soon enough, if she doesn't act. I looked over to my side, to find two men jumping down and swinging at the titan to encounter her bone-hardening ability.

"SIR, IT BROKE THE SWORDS!!" They shouted at the Commander who simply nodded as he talked to Levi. I quickly fell down on it's shoulder as I spoke,

"Annie, you lost."

It's neck twisted breaking the restraints looking at me, as I expected, alerting everyone immediately. I saw all of the soldiers lifting their swords but I stopped them with a gesture to which Levi asked everyone to drop their guards.

I continued speaking,"Annie, we have been in contact longer than any of my other comrades. Hence you know, when I am....serious." It's eyes widened as I saw it trying to break the restrains on it's hands.

I had about 30 seconds.

"Don't try that, I will escape and destroy your reason to assume titan form." It looked skeptical as I said that, considering my escape was a slim chance but my confidence caused it to back down a bit.

Shinzou wo Sasageyo AyanokoujiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt