Tuesday x 1

251 7 2

(I'd say play the music once you get to the end)

*beep* *beep* *beep*
"Augghhhhh" I say exhausted and still tired as I turn off my alarm. Penny got fed up with waking me up on time so she got me an alarm and if I'm being honest it's working to well

I get up out of bed with bed head and dark circles under my eyes and brush my teeth and get dressed



I walk downstairs and start eating as pennys cleaning up
"So I see our plan with Ted went well." Penny says with a smile
I look up at her from my food all confused and angry
"Oh yea me the girls and Ted made a plan to get you and Felix together"
"WHAT WHY?!?!?" I say with my face red
"Oh I don't have room to say" she says with a grin
*sigh* fine whatever she'll say it eventually


I walk into math class and sit in my seat <15 minutes maybe I can shut my eyes for a little bit>
I lay my head down on my desk and fall asleep

Felix's POV

I walk into math class and I see kid asleep
<he's actually kinda cute when he sleeps>
I sit in my seat and stare at him

Cindy walks in and walks over to me
"Whatcha staring at?" She says with a grin

"Huh?! Oh Um nothing." I say looking towards the window with my face red

"Come on Felix it's quite obvious you like kid."

"I don't like him! I..just think he's interesting."

"Sure you do it's so obvious to the point your brother figured it out."

"Wait teddy knows?"

"Yea, and you also just admitted that you liked him."

"No I do- never mind I'm not gonna go back and forth, yes I do like him I don't have the guts to tell him tho."

"Well, I know a way you can get closer to him."

"Well you know penny? That his sister aka teds crush well she's basically always with him other than a few classes so if you talk to her maybe she'll help you get closer to him."

"Ok then, but how am I gonna talk to her?"
"I'll tell her that you'll talk to her I'm sure she'll be okay with you talking to her about it."

"Alright I'll talk to her at lunc-

"Ok class in your seats today-"

Kids POV

"Kid.... Kid!"
"huh?" I wake up and snap back to reality

I turn to see it's Felix tapping on my shoulder
"Whiteboard" he says while pointing at the whiteboard with the Pythagorean theorem
"Kid?" The teacher says with everyone looking at me

"Sorry could you repeat that?" I say embarrassed

"I asked if you could solve the problem on the board." He says holding out the marker

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