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Kids pov

"KID WAKEEEEE UPPPP MOMS GONNA BE MAD IF YOUR LATE!" penny yells up to my room as I grumble and get dressed with my striped shirt and my blue jeans, I run downstairs and grab an apple as I run out and get into pennys car
"Just in time kid, mom wouldn't like it if you were late." Penny says as she starts the car and drives them to school. "Yea sorry bout that I swear I turned on my alarm" I say as I put my black hoodie on and my earbuds "I keep telling you to check it before you go to bed" penny says with small smile "yea yea I know I know" I reply
We arrive at school and I say goodbye to penny as I walk in and go to my locker I put my bag in the locker, and pull out my first 3 periods of books and close it "hello dear friend of nugget." Nugget says behind my locker door as I shut it "hello nugget what do I owe the pleasure" I say with a smile "nugget would like to know it nuggets friend can join him for lunch"

<nugget never invites me to lunch? Something's up.>
"Lemme guess you want to include me on some secret plan the destroy the school or the principal." I say with a sarcastic tone
"Actually nuggets friend is wrong, nugget would like to introduce a new person to you since they will be joining the student council starting today."

"Oh? Alright then, then I'll join you for lunch."
"Alrighty then, it is settled nuggets friend will not be disappointed."
"Ok see ya nugget" "goodbye friend of nugget"

I walk into my first class of the day. Math ugh what could be worst I walk in with everyone in there seats and I see a few familiar faces, Cindy's here, and so is billy, but the one person I was never expecting was Felix Huxley the most popular and richest kid since kindergarten to be apart of my low life math class, I assumed he would be in the honors class.

"Ah, there you are" the teacher spoke "class we have a new student today please be nice, why don't you come up and introduce yourself to the class." I walk up to the front, center so everyone is staring at me "um hi my name is denis but you can call me kid. I'm uh 16 years old." I say twiddling with my thumbs "is there anything else you would like to tell us about you?" The teacher says "um, well I have a sister named penny, and uh-" I pause for a minute trying to think of something even tho my mind is going blank I look at Cindy and billy for help, Cindy and billy both nod, billy stands from his desk and walks toward the front, stands by me, and puts his arm on my shoulder. "teacher, don't you think your overwhelming Kid? By making him tell his whole life story?" Billy says towards the teacher "yea, you didn't do that on all of our first days of school here." Cindy says as she puts her pencil down <phew, thanks guys> I said with my expression they both smile "I guess your right, I apologize Kid, you can go sit in the back by the window next to Felix."

<NO! why'd it have to be the one person I didn't WANT to be by>

I nod quietly as I walk to my seat and put my book and pencil on the desk. I look towards the window trying not making eye contact with the rich blonde next to me

"Ok class, today we'll be learn about the Pythagorean theorem-



"Ok class that's it for today, don't forget to do your homework for today"

I grab my books as 2 figures walk up to my desk as I'm grabbing my books, I look up to see Cindy and billy.

"Hey Kid! Didn't expect you to be in our class?" Billy says with a smirk as usual

"Yea, me neither."

"Well I think it's a good thing, especially since I hear this teacher does a lot of group activities and projects too." Cindy says

"Yea well, it's better than Jerome's math teacher I hear his is so strict as dr dinner was about study hall but 10x worst" billy says

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