Character profiles

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Felix x Kid
Ted x Penny
Jerome x Monty
Nugget x Billy
{Extra info}
- Kid -

| has crush on Felix since kindergarten but doesn't think it'll happen, doesn't show emotion often or unless he really wants to, on the student council as the president, teachers love him cause he's so obedient. |

❤️ Loves - Felix, apples, monstermon and flowers

❌ Hates - weekdays, and principals

- Felix -

| isn't as mean and an egoist as he was in kindergarten, nicer towards Ted and will do anything for him. Has a little crush on kid but also isn't sure |

❤️ Loves - Ted, suits, and chemistry

❌ Hates - being at home and his father

- Ted -

| forgave Felix for kindergarten and loves him dearly, has crush on penny, always stays by Felix's side |

❤️ Loves - Felix, penny, and friendship

❌ Hates - Spiders, killing, being at home, and his father

- Penny -

| penny has escaped her mother the principal and now lives with kid, she has a small crush on Ted |

❤️ Loves - dolls, the color blue, kid (platonic obvi)

❌ Hates - principals

- Jerome -

| accepted what his dad did in the first game, befriended Buggs, and hangs with Monty a lot maybe he considers him more than a friend? |

❤️ loves - yo-yos, video games, competitions

❌ Hates - janitors

- Monty -

| very savvy, updated his look to become cool to Jerome, runs the school store and is the treasurer of the student council. |

❤️ Loves - Jerome, deals, money, and school

❌ Hates - Janitors

- Nugget -

| loves the pretty lily and his "friend" billy, is also apart of school council as the vice president, teachers don't particularly like him due to the lack of respect he gives. |

❤️ Loves - Lily, billy, nuggets, and gardening

❌ Hates - Teachers

- Lily -

| art club president, and apart of student council |

❤️ Loves - billy, nugget,flowers

❌ Hates - principals, guns, and gum

- Billy -

| e sports club president, and apart of student council |

❤️ Loves - nugget, Lily, and being outside

❌ Hates - Basements

- Cindy -

| the fashion design club president and sewing club president |

❤️ Loves - the color pink, fashion, cats, and making distractions

❌ hates - blood, and her mother

- Carla -

| apart of the student council, knows all the shortcuts and passages around school and the whole town. Smart and savvy as ever |

❤️ Loves - shortcuts, passage ways, exploring, and parkour 

❌ Hates - science teachers, principals, and hall monitors


Hope you all enjoy I did pull accidentally all nighter with this 🥲

Over time things change, just like you did Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz