Slicers and Runners: 3

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TW: (if you don't like reading about animal slaughter please don't read)

I woke up to a scratchy voice saying my name and gently tapping me on the shoulder.
"Hey, greenie wake up. It's time to go try out for the different jobs."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Newt standing over me. "Oh. G'morning." I said, stretching as I stood up.

"Frypan has already cooked breakfast, hurry and get changed I brought new clothes for you. They were sent up with you in the box." Newt said as he placed a small pile of clothes over the side of my hammock.
"Oh thanks Newt." I replied smiling.

"I'll wait for you outside. Just hurry your buggin' ass up." He said rolling his eyes. Not in a mean way though. More like a Yeah, yeah your welcome. But hurry up otherwise your food will get cold. Type of way.

"Well okay then- I won't take that long I'll be out in two minutes." I said also rolling my eyes.

The clothes that were provided were black  sligtly big denim shorts, boots a vest and a checkered long sleeved shirt which I just put over the vest undone like a jacket. The clothes I was already wearing when I woke up in the box, were similar however I had black cargo pants trainers and a t-shirt. Once I finished changing into the clothes I walked out of the 'hut' to find Newt a small distance away near his own hammock leaning, arms folded, against the wooden pole. As I approached him, he heard my footsteps and turned to face me.
"You're done now? Alright then let's go." He said and began walking over to the Kitchen. It was still early and the maze doors hadn't opened yet, so Minho was still there sat at the bench next to Ben and eating breakfast. The breakfast in question consisted of simple bacon and egg. Even so the food was absoloutely amazing.

I sat down at the other two boys' table and sat opposite them. Once Newt finished collecting his share of food from Frypan, he joined us and sat down.

While we ate we all made small talk and I actually felt so nervous for some reason. As I started slicing through the bacon Ben spoke.

"So greenie, you know what job you're after yet?" Ben asked. "God forbid if you want to be a runner, Alby and Newt definitely wouldn't allow that." He asked and I heard a somewhat snicker that was hidden behind a fake cough. Newt glared at him.

"Well no we wouldn't." He said.

"What why? Seriously? You just told me I try for the different jobs today! So why is being a runner off limits on the spot before I even try?" I already knew why and that it was a very bad idea to ask about it. But I was pissed. I hate when people decide things for me and even thought I know that it's an extremely bad idea being a runner, I'm the type that really wants to get in on the action and main story line if you know what I mean. I also just wanted to get out there in the maze with Minho, Alby and Thomas (when he comes up the box) later on in the timeline.

"Y/N like I said. The maze is dangerous, and it's even more dangerous being a runner. Only the fastest, smartest and strongest can run the maze." He said with an irritated tone.

There was a chuckle from infront us as we argued and I realised I had forgotten that Minho and Ben were still there and were watching our conversation like hawks.

"Sorry greenie but if you want to argue about it, then you've got Alby to talk to. So stop being a shank and just eat your damn food." Minho said through a small laugh but still, his tone of voice made it sound more serious.

I sighed and went back to eating my breakfast. After we finished eating, me and Newt went with Minho and Ben to the maze doors to see them off for the day of running in the maze. Alby joined us too and I saw this as an opportunity to ask him.

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