Meet the Gladers: 1

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up to feel my body on a hard cold surface. WHAT THE HELL?! For the love of god don't tell me I've just been kidnapped and thrown in the back of a van-

It was unusually cold and it was pitch black in the room of wherever I was. I tried feeling around my surroundings and all I could feel was metal iron. Ok now time to panic- "SOMEONE HELP MEEE! WHERE THE HELL AM I?" I screamed. Needless to say, this whole ordeal scared the crap outta me. As if on command however, there was red flashing light from above and for some reason it felt like the room was moving.
I looked up and with the dim glow of the flashing red light I saw the metal gated ceiling above me. I was in a elavator shaft.

Oh. My. God.

The shaft began rising quicker now and I braced for impact. The elevator slammed to the top of the box doors and stopped abruptly. I had already realised by this point where I was.


Before I could even gather myself the doors already began to open and a blinding bright light shone in my eyes as it filled the box and the light grew bigger.

I guess they make the light more dramtic in the movies I can see again instantly-

I thought, and of course I actually freaked out when I saw all the gladers standing above me including Gally, who just stood there above me with those huge 90° angled eyebrows frowning at me. At least I think, can never tell with those eyebrows he has. For all I know he could be smiling and his brows would stay the same-

Then, *insert hyperventilation mode* Newt pushed through the crowd of boys and jumped into the box kneeling next to me. I backed into the corner away from him trying my hardest not to start squealing from excitement.

"Hey it's okay. Don't worry I'm not gonna bloody bite ya' " He said, and by the look on his face he might have regretted saying that after a couple of seconds. When I tell you I died inside when I heard him.
His British accent oh my god. Was all that was running through my head at that moment.
"Hey Newt are they coming out or what?" Gally shouted.
Newt looked at me his eyes looking me up and down then looking back at Gally.
"Yeah, think so just wait a second." He said back.

I just looked at them and was starting to get pissed because of the fact they were talking like I wasn't literally just sat right there.
"EHEM! Excuse me?" I coughed to get their attention and they both looked at me.

"Your a girl." Gally said with a deadpanned look at me.

"Yeah no shit sherlock." I snapped back. I was internally laughing my ass off inside, and since I felt like being that girl I grabbed that huge knife out of Newt's strap on his back, and pointed it towards him while he was distracted. He looked at me with a almost surprised and amused look.

"Oh uh, please don't do that calm down there greenie." Newt said, raising his arm towards me to go for the knife I wielded in my grasp.

I lowered the knife as Alby just popped up outta who-knows where and jumped into the box with us. Since I had to pretend I didn't have a clue where I was, I had to fake being scared- which was actually incredibly difficult-

"Who the hell are you? Where am I?" Of course I knew but I couldn't exactly just get up out of the box and just start giving myself the tour of the Glade.

Alby moved towards me as Newt stepped back a few steps to let Alby kneel next to me.
"I'm Alby. Do you remember your name?" He asked.

I didn't see much need to pretend I didn't remember my name so I just said, "Yeah? My name's Y/N what do you mean?"

Alby and Newt shared a curious look before Alby said, "Okay then welcome to the Glade Y/N. For now though we are going to take you to the pit since you seem a bit feisty and looks like you want to murder someone at the moment." He said and to be honest I can see why he thought that.

Alby ended up dragging me all the way over to the pit and chucking me in there. I was sat in there for a whole hour. That's right, the first whole hour of my shifting experience today was spent in the pit. Fantastic.

After the whole hour was finally over, Alby came back and let me out of the pit. "You calmed down now? Or do you still want to stab someone?" He asked almost a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Yeah, yeah I won't do it again." I said rolling my eyes.

Alby helped me out of the pit and began to walk me around the Glade showing me the tour of the place. Obviously I already knew where most of everything was so I wasn't really listening to the majority of what he was saying the entire time and just zoned out watching the birds flying through the air and the other boys working. After Alby finished giving me the tour, he walked me over to the middle of the Glade as he explained the 3 rules to me and about the box. While he was talking, Newt limped over to us smiling.

God I hate seeing Newt's limp it makes me so upset.

I thought as I plastered a smile on my face trying to push away the thoughts about his limp out of my brain.

"Hey there Alby. How's the greenie coming along?" He asked looking back and forth between me and Alby.

"Hey Newt. Yeah I think she's taking all of this in pretty well for a green bean." He chuckled.

Newt stretched his arm out towards me offering his hand to me to shake. "I'm Newt. Nice to meet ya' Y/N."

I smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Newt."

~°•°•°•°~ ☆

How was my first Chapter? Sorry if there was any spelling errors! I have many more chapters on the way!
I was thinking of doing all three movies in one book you know? I'm not sure yet so please give your oppinion on it!
Thanks for reading! ~

Tehya (Author)

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