Bonfire party!:2

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"Nice to meet you Newt." I said shaking Newt's hand.

Alby patted Newt on the shoulder as he turned to stand beside him "Well greenie, Newt will show you to your hut." He said smiling. "I'll see you at the bonfire." With that Alby walked off towards the gardens and the track-hoes.

Once Alby had left, Newt began speaking again. "Well then, come with me I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." He began to walk towards the homestead and I followed close behind. Once we got to the homestead Newt showed me where all the gladers slept. At the homestead there were hammocks tied up every where around the space with empty lanterns hung to the side of the wooden poles. Newt led me away from here and to a seperate part of the homestead.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Since you are a girl, Alby and I, figured you might want some more privacy away from the boys." He said glancing at me as we walked. He led me to a door which led into a closed of area of the homestead. It wasn't exactly a room of sorts, as it was still techincally in the same room however the hammock had built wooden covers around it that had been obviously attached in a rush. "It's not a whole lot but unfortunately there weren't any other options." Newt said. My sleeping arrangements were further away from everyone else which made me feel slightly alone but I knew that it shouldn't be all that bad.

"No this is great. It's better than nothing so thank you!" I replied. He was right it wasn't a lot, but it was definitely all I needed. I walked around the walls and stepped inside to see my hammock which had a pillow placed inside it. Newt was stood behind me observing and I turned to face him. "Where do you sleep then?" I asked.

"I sleep nearest to you now that you mention it. I'll show you." He motioned me outside of the 'room' and to a hammock that was closest to where mine was. "Alby wanted to make sure one of us was normally always near you if you need anything." He said.

"Oh uh, thanks then I guess." I said unsure.

"Anyways, now that that's settled it's getting dark now and we are eating Frypan's dinner in a minute at the bonfire so we should get back to find the others." Newt said turning to walk back to the other gladers.

"Oh okay!" I said trying to hide the excitement in my voice.
This is going to be fun.
I thought.

I catched up to Newt and we walked over to meet Frypan. As we approached him I could smell the sent of the delicious food he was cooking up. He was cooking what seemed to be a Chicken curry and it smelled so good. I was genuinally so excited to try Fry's cooking.

"Hey Newt, how's it going? How's the new greenie?" Frypan asked nudging him and pointing a finger at me with his other hand occupied with a knife chopping up some ingredients.

"Hello I'm Y/N nice to meet you." I told Fry and by now If I wasn't forcing myself to keep a normal straight face I would have broken up into a huge toothy grin.

Fry smiled and looked towards Newt then back at me. "Nice to meet you too. Im Frypan, you can just call me Fry."

By the time Fry finished cooking up dinner and we all collected a bowl it was dark out and the only light was the soft orange glow from the lanterns and the bonfire. I sat down next to Jeff and some other boys and began eating. The curry was actually even better than I thought it would be. When I say that curry was so freaking bustin!

After I finished eating I went over to Frypan and complimented his cooking.
"Hey, I do what I do." He said grinning and shrugging his shoulders.

After that Newt pulled me to the side to talk. We sat a little further from the others behind a log facing each other, but still close enough we could still feel the heat from the blazing flames that sprung with life from the fire and the group of boys dancing and circling around it. Newt handed me a drink before he began to talk.
"Been a hell of a busy day." He started while he watched the gladers around the fire.

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