Chapter 4

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Schools been so fun. Lately Rambo and Jocky have been leaving me out but I don't care. Apparently we are gonna do something crazy tonight. I hope so!

We are just finishing english and going to Lunch.

"Ah, Robbie I need a word with you!" Said sir, as everyone was leaving.

"Yes sir?"

"You've been lacking lately, is there anything wrong?" He asks.

"Well not really sir, nothing you can do any way!" I reply.

"Are you sure? I may be able to. An old fart like me knows quite a lot, here. This is one of my favourite books. You learn a lot from it, any problems you have... read this book. Come find me when your done with it." He hands me a book, I can't even pronounce the title. "Now go and have lunch!"

I take the book and rush out the room.  I join the Crazy 7 in the dinner hall. Mobby has got everyone singing Beyoncé y'all the single ladies'! I spot Slim ignoring everyone and tucking in with his food, like normal.

Rambo spots me and a smirk appears on his face. It slants to one side and he gave me a wink. He grabs a hand full of spaghetti from Slims plate and throws it straight at me.


Meat balls fly from one side of the room to the other. Spaghetti everywhere!

"ROBERT BROWN! LEROY CUFF! Crazy 7! MY OFFICE! NOW!" The head shouts.

We make our way to her office. Our head down as we aren't aloud to make contact with anyone else. Soon all the Crazy 7 made their way to the Heads. We line up facing her.

"What a disgrace! How dare you do this. You show a bad influence on the younger ones! You have a detention with me, cleaning up the mess you've made!"

"We are truly sorry miss!" Rambo comments.

"Shut it!" She points "everyone line up outside, I'll get my cane ready!"

One by one I hear her whack each of a member of Crazy 7. Rambo didn't make a sound. But from the others it sounds painful. I feel like running out of this one but I know I need to be brave! Not be such a weakling.

"You scream like a 5 year old girl!" She shouts as Animal runs out the room. Next up, the last one, it was my turn.

Slowly, I make my way in the room. Miss slams the door behind me. I put my hand on the desk and stick out my butt. I try and think of all the good things in life.

"Young boy sit!" I hear her say.


"Sit!" She says again. "I'm sparing you boy! Just this time. Now tell me. What would you like to be when your older?"

"An actor marm!"

"Ah. Well if you don't straighten you and your friends out then your acting career is going to go down hill. Next week St. McCarthy school for girls are visiting all week to practise the new play. I want Crazy 7 to take part and show some respect till then. Understood?"

"I think so miss."

"Now get out before I change my mind!" I turn and run out the door. Next week! A Play. GIRLS! I can't wait.

Later, lights are out. Everyone is asleep. Well apart from Crazy 7.

"You ready guys?" Rambo asks. He opens the window.

"A-are you s-ure about th-his?" Stutter asks.

"Never been this sure in my life, now let's go." One by one we all climb out the window and make out way too the swimming pool.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"No not here! Follow!" Jocky pulls out hidden touches and hands one to Rambo. We start heading into the woods, still following Rambo. Then we came up to a rope that dangled over the lake.

"What's this?" Mobby asks.

"Welcome boys to the rope of terror!" Jocky explains.

"Each one of us has to swing our way into this lake." Rambo says.

"Easy!" I say, to be cool.

"No. Naked!" Jocky adds. Not so easy.

"This is our time to bond. This is our brother hood!" Rambo says. The boys all start stripping. I take off my shoes and socks. Then slowly my t-shirt and shorts. I was left in my pants.I was just about to jump in when...

"Hey weakling! That is not naked!" I feel slims hand on my arm pulling me away from the water. Animal grabs the rope and swings in first. Rambo stood there with his hands on his hips looking at me in disgrace. All the other were naked and starting to swing their bodies into the lake.

"Oh what the heck!" I say and pull down my pants. I run and Tarzan into the water. Crazy 7 start splashing and having a laugh until the Alarm went off.

"Oh dear!" Mobby shouts. We all climb out of the lake and ran to our stuff. We grabbed it and ran back to the swimming pool, still naked. We ran back to the window.

"Whos going first?" I ask staring a the ladder.

"Me!" Jockey says! "Just no one look up!" He climbs up with his clothes wrapped around him. All the boys look up. Ahhh!!!

Soon everyone apart from me, Rambo and Slim we back up the ladder. Slime was stuck through the window. I look around and spot a touch light.

"Rambo quick!" I pull his arm into the bushes.

"What the?!" Miss shouts. "Slim what are you doing up there! And why are you naked?"

WeaklingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang