Chapter 2

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School ends for the holidays. No more teachers, no more bullies. I can go home and relax or go surfing like i normally do. Mum isnt at home as she's in jail. I just want to escaped when she is around. She has two months in there till she's aloud out. When she is, dad and I won't be there. We are leaving her for good. She is gonna come home and we'll be gone, gone forever.

We are moving to... England!

I get home and went straight to my bedroom. I pack my bags, as we could leave any minute now. I wouldn't be leaving that much behind. Just an ex girlfriend and ex friends. Oh and drug addict (mum).

I open my suitcase. In goes my:



.pants/ trousers

.trainers/ shoes

.art pads

.magazine with pictures of naked women in underwear

.my razor

.my laptop

I open my rucksack. In goes my:


.lucky bracelet

.picture of me and dad riding the waves on our surf boards


.condoms (just incase they dont supply them in england)

.note pad


.Mr snuggles (my monkey teddy bear)

10 minutes later, we are just about to leave. I can't wait. I feel a bit sick bit still happy that im finally leaving mum, finally leaving Australia!

We get to the airport. So close.

"I'm ready. Take me. Take me to where I belong!" I say, with my hand on my heart.

"Umm? Are you okay there son?" Dad asks. I nod and walk it off.

One step for man. Two giant steps for mankind. Three steps, I'm in the plane now!

We find our seat and get comfortable. I have this banging hot lady sitting next to me. I might accidentally fall asleep on her. Just might.

24 hours later. I have watched 6 films, ate all the food I had and fell asleep all in that time. We landed and made our way to the exit. We got our suitcases and made our way to the car hire. After hiring a car dad drove to where we are staying for the night, so he can work out where we are going to live.

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