Between The Two 3

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Virat's head snapped aa he followed Hardik's gaze and saw a completely disheveled MS standing nearby.

"how's Rohit?" he asked panting.

When he received no answer, he lifted his head to see them gaping at him in surprise.

"how's Rohit?" he asked a bit loudly.

"I don't think that has anything to do with you. I don't remember you been concerned about him when he almost died in front of us." Virat replied stoutly, the harsh words left a sour taste in his mouth.

Virat wasn't against MS, he had a feeling it was something deeper than they knew of but he still couldn't get over Mahi bhai's nonchalant gaze after seeing Rohit bleed red.

He needed time to process and think efficiently and it wasn't going to happen until Rohit had stabilized and he thought with a calm mind.

Mahi sighed closing his eyes before he spoke in misery, "I know you have a lot of questions and I'll answer all of them but please tell me how's Rohit."

"he's okay but the doctor has asked to keep him under observation." Bhuvi replied instead before Virat could say anything which would turn the tension even thicker.

MS visibly relaxed against the wall, silently chanting a prayer to thank God in keeping his kid safe.

"Can I see him?" he asked nervously.

He cursed to be in a position to ask if he could see him.

Virat was about to straightway refuse but Ritika held his hand and spoke instead pointing towards the door, "he's inside."

Virat watched him tremor slightly as he twisted the door knob and took a deep breath before disappearing inside.

They impatiently waited for few minutes before Mahi emerged back and sat quietly on a corner seat.

Virat was itching to ask so many questions. Questions he dreaded answers to and Mahi could feel their questioning gaze on him.

"I'll answer all your doubts after Rohit has stabilized and shifted to a private room."

No one contradicted his statement because they didn't know if they'll be able to take more shocks in a day.

They settled in the waiting room, exhausted. Their bodies needed rest but the brain refused to shut down.

At midnight when MS returned with his probably fourth cup of coffee, his gaze softened watching the bundle leaned onto and against each other as they slept.

"Virat bhai is going to be so mad after he learns about this plan."

A sudden voice startled him before he exhaled seeing Jassi leaning against the door.

"I know." he confessed, " but we had no other option."

"I just hope Rohit bhai gets well soon."

"he will, he's stronger than we think."

Cliff-hanger again?¿

Just kidding!


Rohit was finally been shifted to his personal space to recover.

He was speaking again in full sentences and seemed so much better already.

"Mahi bhai." Rohit beamed at him as MS entered the room with his favorite flower bunch making Mahi smile fondly at him.

"does this hospital have a good cardiologist? " Virat muttered, he felt as if his heart would fail anytime in shock.

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