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It was 1 in the morning I couldn't go to sleep, like everyday since I got out the prison world, but it felt different now, I knew why. It was because my mom was dying and I didn't know if Kai was dead or alive.

I walked into the bathroom, putting water on my face, walking back to my room. I seen a tall figure, but it was dark it could've been my jacket on the door. But to be safe I cut the light on, it was Kai.

"Elissa." He walked closer to me.

"Kai!" I ran to him jumping in his arms, before I let go and pushed him, "Parker. You had me worried."

"You still look like you haven't been to sleep" He said, changing the subject.

"Ho-" I trailed off.

"Elissa, I'm not stupid. I could tell when I woke up." He told me, "Is it because I haven't been with you?" Kai smirked.

"No." I scrunched my face, "Maybe? I don't know. I lay down and close my eyes, but I just can't sleep."

"I'm sorry, I didn't help you. They wouldn't really let me get very close to you." I looked down.

"I found your note." He pulled it out of his pocket.

"Im glad your okay." I couldn't help it, so I hugged him, "And thank you, for, you know, helping my mom."

"I didn't do it just for the merge, you know. You are the only person on this earth, besides myself I'd do anything for." He doesn't know it, but that kind of made me feel special, "I'd kill someone if I lost you."

"Ok, hug over." I unwrapped my arms, from around him, cutting off my light laying down.

"I'm being serious, Elissa." He laid down next to me.

"I know..." I told him, "I missed this."

"You missed me..." Kai looked me in my eyes.

"Um." I looked away from him, "Goodnight, Kai." I got a fuzzy feeling, I didn't like it so I turned the other way.

Kai wrapped his arm around my waist, I didn't expect that, and I would've moved his hand if I could move, I was frozen like a popsicle. "Elissa, since the merge, weird things have been happening to me."

"ahem." I cleared my throat, "Yeah? Like what?"

"Well, right now, I, um. I have this feeling, in my stomach, I got it when I first saw you, I think you make me sick."

I laughed, before turning towards him, "Kai, you're not sick, it means you might feel a certain way towards me, that you might not feel for anyone else. It's most likely butterflies." I told him.

"I don't eat butterflies, Elissa. I'm not a monster." Kai sounded offended.

"Kai, that's not what it means, it's like when you get a fluttery feeling in your stomach." I tried to explain it to him.

"I'm just gonna pretend I know what you're talking about."



"You sure about this?" I asked Kai.

"Mhm." Kai answered me.

We walked into the house, "Hello?"

"Ohh! Forgot how massive this house was." Kai said as we walked into the kitchen, "Yum! Cupcakes!"

"Sorry. Are we interrupting something?" I asked them.

"Elissa, why did you bring him here." Damon asked me.

"What if I told you I didn't bring him, he followed me." I told them, "No? Okay, Kai needed to ask you guys something and he saw me on my way here, so he asked if he could join...he needs your help." I lied, sometimes you just have to lie.

Kai picked up his letter to Jo, "I need you to give this to Jo." Kai sat next to me, on the table, putting his hand on mine.

"Why would we give a letter to Jo?" Elena asked him.

"I haven't been able to find her using a locator spell, and, you know, good on her because under normal circumstances, I'd be super jazzed to gouge out her belly button." Kai answered her.

"Why would we help you, Kai?"

"Well, in case you haven't figured it out by now. I'm a sociopath. I know, shocker. I like being a sociopath. You know, I'm not burdened by things like guilt." He moved his off mine, looking off, "Or love. So then this merge happened with my brother Luke, and I won, which was great because I absorbed his ability to do magic, but now I can't stop thinking about how Luke died..."

"How liv's life is-is- is ruined. For some horrible reason, I can't shake— how badly I feel about it."

"You feel bad?" Elena questioned him.

"Yeah, so when I absorbed Luke's magic, I must've gotten some of his qualities or something like empathy. So I googled how to process how to process emotional pain, and they said if you write everything down in a letter and burn it, you'll be healed."

"So I started writing, and this water literally started pooling in my eyes. Has that ever happened to you, like—like water just— just oozing out of my eyeballs like I'm some alien creature excreting fluids."

"You mean you cried." Elena corrected him.

"Yes! And after that was done, I burned the letter, and the feelings— oop— were still there." Kai smiled, "So I really feel strongly that Jo needs to know how sorry I am for destroying our family, but let's face it, guys, all right? I mean, Elena, you of all people should be willing to look past the questionable things that I've done to see that there's— there's good. Somewhere in me. You did it with Damon." Kai kind of had a point there.

"Ok. I think we're done here. Come on." Damon told Elena.

"Actually, what if there's something he can do for us in exchange?"

"Elissa?" Kai looked at me, I assumed if wanted to know if I trusted them.

I held his hand whispering into his ear, "I think it has to do with Bonnie, but don't trust Elena for one second, with Damon you see it coming."

"Okay." Kai told her.


"Sad attempt at iron welding." Kai criticized Elena.

"I tried to fix it."

Kai tried to work the ascendant, but pieces fell off, "I can't bring Bonnie back with this."

"I thought you were the all-powerful leader of the Gemini coven now." Elena responded to him.

"I destroyed this so that it couldn't be used again." Kai told her.

"Well, can we use that hunk of junk to send a message at least?" Damon asked, "It is her birthday."

"It is?"

"I told you tha-" I cut myself off.

"Yeah, it's really sad. I mean, Old Bon-bon, she's gonna be getting all dressed up for a party no one's even gonna show up to. I mean, I wonder if she even knows that it's her birthday or do all the days just blend into one vast sea of misery? I wonder." Damon guilt tripped Kai.

"Kai." I stood in front of him.

"Hm?" He looked at me, "Do you want me to do it?"

"Yes, Bonnie is the only one of my sisters childhood friends that I actually like, so, it would be appreciated." I told him, "but it's your choice."

"One of the crown wheels survived that's a positive. Plus I am megapowerful."

"Yeah." Damon nodded.

"What do you want to say?" Kai asked Damon.

A/n: Bonnie lost her magic when she got sent back to the prison world, it kind of like she started over.

"Well, I mean, If Bonnie needs magic to get out, we just need to tell her where to find some." Damon told Kai.

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