My mate is my prey

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Chapter 6 My Mate is my Prey
I spent the rest of my night locked in my room, too scared to confront my pack members in case they heard my scream. Sam visited me a few times, but little conversation was made. Partly because I was mortified at myself and partly because I was too surprised I actually did that. Sam offered to bring me food more than once, but I denied it every time. My stomach was churning and I felt as if I was going to throw up any second. Finally around three a.m. I fell asleep, my mind still whirling.
'You can do this, Xavier.' I thought to myself as I stood at my door, my hand at the doorknob prepared to open it. I was extremely hesitant. Part of me wanted to just stay in my room all day and have Sam get me food. But I knew that that was the cowardly way out. If my pack heard me, they heard me. There was nothing I could do now. I had to be brave and own up to it. Or simply say that I was joking around and didn't mean it literally. That was my best option so far. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped out. I shut my eyes tight, preparing to be surrounded by my pack asking if I really said that and, if I did, why. When I heard nothing, I opened one eye and then the other slowly. I sighed with relief when I realized that I was the only one in the hallway and I didn't have to deal with any confrontations, yet. I walked cautiously through the pack house. I was expecting to be confronted by everyone who passed, but each one of them walked past without even a glance in my direction. 'Maybe they were out of the pack house when I screamed that' I thought to myself. Deep down I knew that wasn't possible since I had arrived home so late, but it helped to calm my nerves when I thought about it. I finally reached the kitchen and was surprised when no one came up to me asking about it. Somebody had to have heard me, I had screamed it at the top of my lungs. Then why was no one asking me about it? Part of me was relieved and part of me was a little bit disappointed. I guess they figured that I was just messing around. They never even thought that I might have been telling the truth. Even if I did come out of the closet, no one would believe me. And that made my situation ten times worse.
Finding my mate was harder than I originally thought it would be. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find him anywhere. I went to the mall and searched it for two hours. Then, I went to every Starbucks in town with no results. Next, I tried the park but I was only confronted with sluts who hoped to hook up. Just thinking about it sent unwanted shivers down my spine. I went to the roller rink, the place where we play paintball, the laser tag place, every fast food restaurant, and I even searched the clubs. I went as far as to ask random people on the streets if they knew him. Of course, I got zero results. I was beyond exhausted when I got home. I was more than discouraged. My parents tried asking me about my search, but I ignored them and went straight to my room. I was worried that if I talked about it, I would burst into tears. Me being the future alpha of my pack, I couldn't let anybody, even my parents, see me cry. I had to be tough and strong for my pack, no matter what. No matter if my mate ran away from me without a second thought and left no clue to who he is or how I could find him. As far as I knew, he wasn't even a werewolf. Usually I'm able to detect whether or not someone is a werewolf or not by their scent, but I guess I was so excited to have found my mate that I didn't even bother figuring that part out. Everything was wrong. My mate was my prey, and I would not be satisfied until I have captured him. Who knew how long that was going to take.
Keeping calm also proved to be harder than I thought it would be. Only an hour after I got home, I was throwing stuff around my room and breaking everything I could. Ever since I was a little boy, breaking things always helped me to release stress. I almost laughed thinking about the kind of stuff that stressed me out back then. It was nothing compared to the stress I have to deal with now. Not only is my mate M.I.A, I also have to deal with learning to lead a pack of 200 wolves. It is way harder than it seems. Other werewolves think that it isn't that hard. All you have to do is make a couple of decisions and write out paper work and meet with other alphas once in awhile. That is simply not true. True, Alphas do all of those things except at a much complicated level and, on top of that, they have much more to do than just that. The alphas job is to keep every one in the pack safe. Every decision I will make as an alpha will effect every wolf in my future pack. I always have to keep in mind whats best for my pack, while also keeping in mind my safety and securities. Juggling both is the hardest job an alpha has and sometimes he has to make a decision that others in the pack may feel like it isn't fair or right. Then, the alpha has to deal with a crowd of pack members complaining about the new law he established or something like that. Also, as an alpha I'm required to meet with other alphas from our neighboring packs. Once in a blue moon I will have to meet with alphas all over the world, but it's a rarity. Also, I will have to fill out loads upon loads of paperwork. My dad hardly ever gets out of his office, and it scares me to think that that will be me in just a year. One more year of freedom. After the year is over, the alpha title will be passed down to me. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about it. I felt even worse when I thought about my mate on top of all my responsibilities as an alpha. One thing an Alpha cannot live without is his Luna. Luna's are usually women, but in my case my wonderful MAN will be my Luna. If I don't find my mate within the next year, I risk all of my chances of being a good alpha for my pack. I could lead my pack to destruction and there would be nothing I could do about it. Please, Moon Goddess. Let me find my mate. Bring us together again.
I had no idea what was wrong with Xavier, but I was getting sick of it. Lately, he hasn't been acting himself. It all started a month ago when I saw him and Sam having an argument at his locker at school. I remember both of them looked really upset and I had went over to comfort him. As soon as his eyes set on me, his whole body stiffened. Since then, he hasn't been the same. He tries his best to act like he is, but he can't fool me. Last night was even weirder. He ran right to his room and didn't come out until 2pm the next day. He wouldn't answer any of my texts or calls and I knew that he was awake. Also, his door was locked and I had no way of getting inside. Since then, we've both been ignoring each other, always keeping at least one room separating us. But now, I think I'm going to confront him. It's time to find out what's been going on and no one, I mean no one, can stop me.
My entire day was filled with tension, fear, and stress beyond relief. Every person I came across, I looked at suspiciously. A part of me hoped that they heard me last night. I couldn't believe that no one heard me. Someone had to have. How come they aren't screaming out for the pack to hear exactly what I said? How come they weren't concerned or upset? Did they think I was kidding? It made no sense to me. Because of that, I barely got through the day without jumping or screaming "Please don't tell" whenever somebody tried to confront me. Every little sound had me cowering into a corner. Finally, I decided I needed to get away from it all and go somewhere where I could be all by myself in peace. Immediately, I knew where to go. Smiling to myself, I ran up to my room to grab my coat. But as soon as I saw that little paper under my door, I knew that wouldn't be necessary. All of my hopes for peace and quiet came crashing down as soon as I reached down and grabbed the small note. And, after reading it, my life came crashing down as well.
Omg guys another update! To me, it hasn't been that long idk about you guys. And yeah don't hate me I left a cliff hanger but it's my first one and WHATS a book without a few good cliffhangers Yano? Yeah ik it's a cheesy cliffhanger but those are the best kind of cliffhangers am I right or am I right? So yeah I'm kinda really hyper but that's ok :) Hope you enjoy please PLEASE VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW I LOVE YOU ALL AND READ MY OTHER STORY CURSED IT ISNT GETTING A LOT OF VIEWERS AND IM UPSET. Oh and to celebrate Mandy's POV for the first time ever, theres a picture of her above.

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