You stayed out there together for a long time. You wandered among the plants together for hours, discussing anything that crossed your minds, except the wedding. Taking occasional breaks to sneak back to the party for food and drinks.
Only parting when the moon had risen in the sky, with promises to meet up in the gardens again tomorrow.

You crawled into your bed with your head full of the handsome elf. You awoke late the next morning feeling refreshed and excited for the first time in a very long while. You hopped out of bed and dressed quickly. grabbing some food, you headed down to the garden, skipping the celebration grounds entirely. The party was still in full swing. It would continue to be so until the evening after the wedding.

He was already there, waiting for you. His hair shone like pure gold in the morning sunlight. He smiled at your approach and held out his arm. You took it, and you walked arm in arm to a shady spot to eat.

This day passed much like the previous one, with much talking and laughter. He was extraordinaryly good company. You forgot for a while, the fate hanging over your head.

Although you didn't know his name, you got along well. You had decided to not share your name with him given the circumstances, and he seemed to have elected to do the same, for whatever reason. But you enjoyed your time together all the same. You felt freer with him than you had in a very long time. Since even before the wedding announcement.

He wanted nothing from you but your company. It was a nice change from everyone courting your favor in hopes of receiving gifts or preferments. You had never really been liked simply for who you were. You found the feeling to be intoxicating.

The next five days passed in a similar manner. Talking, laughing, and eating. He even produced a few games, and you both had great fun in playing them together.

Then came the day before the wedding. The festivities had ramped up until you could clearly hear them even in the sanctuary of the garden. This upset you a great deal, for the noise only served to remind you what the celebration was for. What was coming on the morrow. You complained bitterly of the volume to your new friend who you seemed to be developing some feelings for.

Your companion just smiled at you, mischief twinkling in his eyes. He directed you to fill a basket with food and drink. He then strode off with the instruction to wait for him at the back gate of the garden. You did as you were told, gathering the food quickly, eager to see what he was up to.

When you made it to the gate, he was waiting for you with a horse. There was a blanket tied on the back of the saddle. You smiled in delight at the prospect of a ride. You almost asked where he got the horse and blanket, but you thought better of it. If he had stolen them, you found that really didn't want to know.

He helped you up onto the horse before swinging up behind you. He grabbed the reins, effectively caging you in with his arms, then you were off. He seemed to know where he was taking you, as he calmly directed the horse down a faint trail through the forest.

You finally reached a break in the trees by a small stream. Soft thick grass grew plentifully along the banks, and the trickling of the stream was very soothing.

He laid the blanket out on the ground and motioned for you to sit. It was more comfortable than you expected it to be. The deep grass made a sort of cushion under the blanket.

You sat together for a few hours, laughing and talking in the dappled sunlight that shone through the abundant foliage. All the while snacking on the food you brought. It struck you again how good looking this man was. Then suddenly, with that thought, inspiration struck.

You giggled maniacally at your horrendously perfect idea. After all, what could be a greater form of rebellion? And on the literal eve of your wedding too! Your companion was certainly attractive enough. He was the kind of man that, given different circumstances, you would have been perfectly willing to court.

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