"I'm gonna fucken kill you!" Aurora hissed, struggling to get out of Opies arms.

"Stop scratching me" Opie winced.

"ma'am" A guard started to step in.

"fuck you!" Aurora growled, kicking the man in between the legs.

"I'm sorry." The nun told them, "I'll show you sorry bitch!" Aurora exclaimed, throwing her elbow back at Opie before lunging for the nun again.

The guard from earlier stood between Aurora and the nun now.

"ma'am please" The guard started, Aurora clenched her fist and brought it straight into the man's nose and he went down.

"Tell me who knows where my son is... Now!" Aurora's chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"If they took Abel two days ago, Kellan knew he was gone." Opie told Jax "That son of a bitch. I'm gonna kill him." Jax rasped.

Aurora wasn't thinking straight anymore, or at least that's what she'd tell you if you asked her what happened next.

Backing away from the group Aurora rounded one of the cribs and picked up a baby and pulled out her gun.

"What are you doin?" one of the nuns asked "you've got to have done some research on those step parents. So we both know that this "anonymous" thing is bullshit. Now, you are gonna tell us where our son is, or I swear to God, I will blow this kid's head off." Aurora snapped, pointing her gun towards the baby. "Aurora!" Jax exclaimed.

"Get the file" Miriam snapped "holy shit Aurora" Gemma laughed.

"Katey and Mark Petrie. We do a four-day transition period. Parents stay local to make sure it's a good fit." Miriam read off the file "where are they staying?" Jax questioned "The Europa Hotel." Miriam didn't take her eyes off Aurora.

"Was that so hard?" she smirked "Not a word to the priest or the Petries, or we tell the cops about this little baby factory you've got going, you understand?" Opie warned "don't hurt them" Miriam cried.

"Take this fucken baby" Aurora said waving around the gun.

Miriam rushed over to grab the baby and the group left.


"Are you out of your fucken mind?!" Jax exclaimed "I wasn't actually gonna shoot the little goblin" Aurora waved off his concerns.

"I'm going to the hotel you stay with my mom" Jax snapped before getting on his bike and leaving.

"Hey you guys i'm just gonna stop at the pharmacy okay?" Aurora told Gemma and Opie "alright be safe" Opie smiled.


"Is this all?" the cashier asked looking at the brunette wig and nun costume "Yes that'll be all i'm pulling a joke on my Ma" Aurora was talking in what she thought was a pretty good irish accent "You have a good day then" The cashier nodded.


Walking out of the store and into an alley, Aurora stripped her top leaving her in a white tank top and jeans, She then pulled the nun costume over her clothes and tied her hair into a tight bun so the wig looked somewhat normal.

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