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"I got you a coffee" Aurora said handing Jax a cup of coffee "I don't want it" he huffed "alright then" Aurora scoffed putting the coffee down.

"Hey. How is she?" Bobby approached the two blondes "still asleep" Jax replied picking up the coffee "I just had to get out of that room" he mumbled pouring sugar into the cup "yea... well we should talk" Bobby said before glancing at Aurora "okay" Jax nodded turning towards the group "yo" he gestured down the hall.

"Great" Aurora mumbled watching the bikers walk past her.


"Hey blondie" Clay walked out of Gemma's room "she wants to talk to you and Jax" he muttered "he's in the chapel" Aurora told him before walking into Gemma's hall.

"Fancy seeing you here" Aurora grumbled when Jax walked down the hall "oh ya" Jax rolled his eyes "why do I have to be pat down your the criminal" Aurora whispered to Jax as two guards pat them down "you're  no saint Aurora" Jax sighed "compared to you?" Aurora scoffed walking into Gemma's room.

"Hey gem" Aurora greeted "hey mom" Jax nodded "don't hey mom me" Gemma snapped "what happened?" Gemma watched Jax and Aurora sit down "the truth all of it" she continued "when Cameron killed sack he took Abel." Jax mumbled "feds weren't doing shit so we hired a bounty hunter... we got this a few days ago" Jax handed the piece of paper with Abel and Cameron shown on a security camera to Gemma "he's somewhere up in Vancouver" Jax explained "we were just tryin to protect you mom"

"Bullshit you were just trying to protect yourselves" Gemma snapped "he's not in Vancouver" she shook her head "the call I got last night that triggered all this? It's Maureen Ashby" Gemma said looking at clay "who the hell is that?" Aurora exclaimed "McGee's old lady, friend of the MC" Clay explained "she told me Abel's in Belfast" Gemma muttered.

"Well great" Aurora stood "no it can't be Jimmy and O'Neil saw Cameron get scooped up as soon as he hit Belfast he didn't have Abel with him" Jax shook his head "Well the somebody's full of shit" Aurora argued Gemma's monitor started beeping and a nurse walked in "everyone out she needs rest" the nurse said.


"I'll be back later" Aurora told Jax "Aurora-" Jax stopped himself "what?" Aurora turned "nothin" Jax shook his head watching Aurora turn to leave.


"You summoned me" Aurora opened the door toGemma's hospital room "ya" Gemma nodded "Stahl came by threatened to take my deal away guess I didn't officially turn myself in" Gemma explained "that's bullshit" Aurora scoffed "she's desperate pressing me for intel on the Irish" she continued "I hate that stupid bitch" Aurora grumbled "your name came up" Gemma nodded "I was out of town" Aurora mumbled "nothing you could have done" Gemma asked "not an hour away I asked to take Abel with me" Aurora stood "and what would you have done if you were there" Gemma wondered "I would have thrown myself in front of a Bullet I would have done something doesn't matter what that asshole had pointed at me" Aurora exclaimed "well you weren't there" Gemma huffed "and it's Jax's fault I wasn't" Aurora grumbled.


"Take it" Jax handed Gemma the phone "Belfast" Gemma looked to Aurora "answer it" she snapped
"I got your message" Gemma muttered into the phone "I'm calling from a house line" Maureen said "okay" Gemma replied "was that JT's boy who called the shop?" Maureen asked "my boy. Yes" Gemma nodded "I understand you've made contact with someone else we know" Gemma said "aye I have" Maureen confirmed "he's a fighter scar on his belly" Maureen continued "what was he wearing" Gemma asked as Aurora twisted the rings on her fingers "cheap onesie blue hat white Pom Pom" Maureen told her Gemma paused before giving the phone to Aurora.

"Where is he?" Aurora grabbed the phone "Abel's with a friend, I'm not sure how much longer he can keep him safe." Maureen explained "that's all I can say right now boy needs his ma" Maureen hung up "Bitch!" Aurora exclaimed "what'd she say?" Jax questioned "We gotta get to Belfast" Aurora glared at the phone as the room went silent.


"You're home?" Aurora looked up and saw Jax walking into the house "ya the clubhouse bed isn't very comfortable" he shrugged off his kutte "hmm" Aurora hummed.

"Wanna have sex?" Aurora blurted out "what?" Jax asked incredulously "I'm bored and haven't had a good lay in a while" Aurora mumbled "if I ever say no to that shoot me" Jax smiled "and you say I have problems" Aurora laughed walking towards her bedroom "you have a coffee problem i on the other hand don't see anything wrong with always wanting to have sex with you" Jax followed her down the hall "is that so" Aurora laughed Jax said nothing for a minute before he lunged at her and picked her up throwing her over his shoulder "Jackson Teller" Aurora shrieked.


I mean at least I updated ig lmao

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I mean at least I updated ig lmao

Also go check out the new TikTok I made @xoxorose_10.wp

Auroras outfit this chapter ^

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Auroras outfit this chapter ^

-rose ✌️

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