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"Get off I gave to pee" Aurora whispered from underneath Jax "go back to sleep" Jax mumbled "get off Jax I really have to pee" Aurora said before pushing Jax off the couch "thanks Aurora" Jax groaned from the floor "your welcome" Aurora yelled from the bathroom "can you make me coffee?" Aurora questioned "ya" Jax grumbled getting up from the floor and pulling his jeans on someone knocked at the door "get the door" Aurora yelled "I will" Jax exclaimed walking to answer the door.

"Hey" Ima greeted trying to look into the house "uh hi?" Jax squinted unsure of why a crow eater was at his house "I was thinkin since you're going to the clubhouse you could gimmie a ride?" Ima smiled "who is it Jax?" Aurora asked walking out of the bathroom "oh Aurora" Ima said acting surprised "why are you here" Aurora question walking towards the door "I was just asking if Jax could give me a ride to the clubhouse" Ima glared at Aurora "and why would he do that?" Aurora smirked before looking at Jax "I'm just gonna make that coffee now" Jax backed away from the door "that's to bad guess you'll have to find a new ride" Aurora snarked before slamming the door in Ima's face.

"I hate her" Aurora exclaimed walking into the kitchen "ya I know" Jax groaned "you've only told me a billion times" he whispered "well whatever" Aurora scoffed "what do you want for breakfast?" Jax asked "pancakes" Aurora smiled forgetting about Ima "pancakes it is" Jax laughed.


"Let's go move your ass" Aurora said after she stepped on Jax's heel for the third time "stop stepping on the back of my shoes" Jax groaned "walk faster" Aurora said stepping on his shoe again "look we're here" Jax said grabbing Aurora and pulling her into Gemma's hospital room.

"Hey gem how you doin" Aurora said "good" Gemma nodded "we talked to Oswald we're all set to leave this afternoon" Jax told his mom and Aurora "we're gonna find Abel" Jax said grabbing Auroras hand "I promise you both of you" he said looking between Aurora and his mom "I know I'm gonna miss so much of his life" Gemma sniffled "oh god... I don't wanna go to jail" Gemma cried "I'm sorry" she whispered "Gemma listen to me this isn't your fault" Aurora told her "I'm gonna protect you" Jax told his mom "you're not going to jail" Jax promised "I don't know what you're doing with Stahl but I do know what happens to you if the club finds out" Gemma shook her head "I got it covered" Jax whispered "on a scale of one to ten how screwed are you" Aurora grumbled "don't worry" Jax reassured her "I always worry" Aurora mumbled before Clay walked in.

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