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"I explained it to Nate and got him to sign" Aurora announced walking into Gemma's room "this gives me power of attorney so if anything happens while you're away" she trailed off "thanks" Gemma sighed shoving clothes into her bag "it's a good place your mom did her research the neurologist staff specialises in late stage Alzheimer's" Aurora explained "does is have a garden?" Gemma asked "yeah that was the first thing I asked" Aurora nodded.

"Can't believe I'm sending him off to a goddamn home" Gemma muttered "he'll be taken care of" Aurora tried to comfort Gemma "he'll die alone" she zipped up the bag "just like she did" Gemma said grabbing the bag.


Aurora was emptying Nate's dresser "hey" Jax said leaning on the door "hey" Aurora stood "did you just get here?" She asked "yeah" Jax nodded walking towards her "Nate taking all this stuff?" Jax looked at all the boxes "nope, Gemma wants to pack up all the sentimental stuff and put it in storage" Aurora crossed her arms watching Jax walk around the room "rest goes to the church" Aurora continued.

"You doin' ok?" Jax questioned sitting on the bed "yeah, fine you?" Aurora stood in front of him Jax stayed quiet "what is it" Aurora sat on the bed next to him "you want the truth right... they're pulling our bail on the church assault two days we're all supposed to go back inside" Jax whispered "Jesus Christ" Aurora scrubbed her hands over her face "supposed to?" she raised her eyebrows "here" Jax unfolded a paper and held it out towards Aurora "oh" Aurora snatched the paper from Jax's hand it was a picture of Cameron and Abel.

"Where is he?" Aurora asked "Vancouver somewhere" Jax shrugged "you're heading up there" Aurora stated "yeah we hired a guy to help track him down" Jax said taking the paper back "gonna take Gemma head out after Nate's taken care of" Jax mumbled "have you even told Gemma" Aurora stood "not yet" Jax shook his head "what the hell happened to your face" Jax stood up and pushed hair out of Aurora's face to see the bruise "oh that, I was packing up some stuff and left a cubbourt open I guess I forgot it was open so when I turned around I hit my head... it's nothing" Aurora waved off his concern "your lying" Jax stated "why would i lie about something so stupid?" Aurora scoffed "who did this" Jax pushed the subject "a cubbourt door" Aurora frowned "hey" Tig knocked on the door "clay's looking for you" he told Jax "ok... this conversation is not over" he pointed to Aurora then walked out "lucky me" Aurora huffed.

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