I read through the article, and while obvisouly not great I seem to have made it out relatively unscathed. While my photos are included, the press doesn't have my name, therefore at least my name isn't attatched, but for Matty, George, and Charli this is a complete violation of their privacy and people are already coming after them online, calling them 'junkies' and worse. I quickly text Adam back and let him know shit went down, and I'll help it get sorted. I don't have time to fight with him right now. As I stand to head back to the room to talk to the three, my phone rings. I go to decline the call figuring it's Alex or some pap, but the name that pops up isn't one I was expecting at all, Zack Evernoon flashes across my phone.

I've known Zack a couple of years, and I actually met him after interviewing with him for a job. He started his own music label, Ever Tuned, which in the past couple years has grown pretty big. Fresh out of college I applied to work for his company, and had a great interview. I ended up getting the job, but decided to decline his offer because it required I move to Los Angeles, where he was deciding to headquarter the company. My Dad had just passed, and I wasn't ready to leave, the UK so I instead took the job with Alex. However, for a little bit I did keep in contact with Zack, I won't lie he was attractive and we did have chemistry. He moved to LA, but we fooled around quite often when he returned to London for personal or business reasons. We never dated or anything, but he was attractive and I was down for a quick fuck, so we had a bit of a friends with benefits situation. I haven't seen him in probably over a year, so it is suffice to say the call caught me off guard.

I pick up the phone, "Zack?" I question. "Luna! So good to hear your voice again, shit how long's it been?" He replies back. "Um, about a year probably, but um yeah I can't say I was expecting this," I say with a nervous laugh. "Yeah well, I mean I saw you were in LA and I wanted to reach out. Ah, I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about," he says. "Hm, and what's that?" I ask back. "Well, I can't lie, I've kept up with your work, and you got real fucking talent Luna. What you've done with that band- The 1975 and their tour, it's incredible. Even revolutionary." Zack says. "I recently had an executive opportunity open up and I'm looking to hire. Only one person came to my mind when I saw the seat was opening, you." He finishes. 

I am left in shock. "I mean I'm really happy Zack, but I appreciate it," I say quickly. "Okay I know, and I hear you but Luna, hell you have got something special. I think you really have the ability to change the music industry. The spot we have for you would be Director of Communications and Tour Management, you'd be in charge, Luna." Zack tells me. 

This is an incredible offer, I think to myself, but fuck I can't just ditch Matty and the guys, I mean we haven't even started the UK, South America, or Asia leg of tour yet. And I mean, I just got Matty back, we're doing so well, of course I can't pack up and quit now. There's no way I can take this right? 

"Wow, um that's really amazing, Zack," I say back. "I just don't know, um I have so much left with the band and I am truly happy," I finish. "Listen, you can take some time to think, but the position we are looking to fill soon, and I want it to be yours, seriously. You have the talent and the brains for it," Zack tells me. "Thank you, I appreciate it, I really, really do, but I just am not in the position to make that decision right now," I reply. "I'll think about it, but I really am happy here for now, thank you," I tell him. "Alright Luna, I understand, but hey think about it, and uh don't be a stranger, okay?" He says. We say our goodbyes and hang up. I set my phone down on the table in total shock. What the fuck just happened, I really am convinced I'm in a dream. First waking up after blacking out last night to find myself in bed with Charli, then Matty anf George together on the floor, to the social media dibacle, and now Zack Evernoon offering me a job after years?

I stand from my table, and grab a couple bananas as I leave the breakfast sitting area and make my way to the elevators. The elevator ride feels agonizingly slow as I approach the floor where all our rooms are. I walk down to George's door, but realize I have no key. Without much choice, I knock loudly on the door hoping one of them will hear me. I hear someone grunting and then footsteps start to walk around the room. The door is slowly dragged open, and I see Matty's face peek through. "Where'd you go?" He asks me as he opens the door all the way, allowing me back in. "Long story, but we need to talk," I reply back as I walk back into the room, "help me wake George and Charli up?" I ask.

I head over to gently shake Charli, and Matty gives George a very kind nut tap to wake him. Groggy but awake, we all sit in the bed and I exlplain the situation with the club and the articles. I withhold my conversation with Zack, because that's something I'd really like to explain to Matty entirely instead of giving him a quick summation of what went down. After I finish telling them about the articles calling us 'junkies' and whatever, they all react quite differently than I did. George and Matty both crack smiles and start laughing. 'Fucking hell, we fuckin made the front page," George cries out laughing. I start to laugh to, and Charli joins in as well. Soon enough we're both doubled over laughing and in tears from the situation. "They've got nothing better to report on than some C list musicians drunk off their ass at a club," Matty says in between laughter. I see Charli pull out her phone, and check out the Daily Mail for herself. She goes to copy the website link, and then she fucking posts it on her Instagram story. I almost pee my pants. "Why are you lot judging me, that shit is hilarious and I look hot!" She exclaims. 

While Charli and George are caught up laughing, I lean over to Matty. I whisper to him, "I have something else I wanna talk to you about, but it can wait," I say with a small smile. He nods and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. "Wanna head back to our room love?" Matty asks me in his raspy morning voice I love so much. "Yeah, that'd be nice," I reply.  We say our goobyes to Charli and George and make our way down the hall to the room we're sharing.

charli's story  :)

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charli's story  :)

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