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Jor-El and Lara-El were rushing around their lab, getting ready for the destruction of their planet, Krypton. Krypton was a cold planet ruled by logic and not emotions. It was a city of metal - a planet of innovation and was light years beyond many worlds; it was located in the 2418 sector with the red sun, Rao.

War was amongst the Kryptonians; General Zod had killed and taken the High Council into prison. Jor-El had gotten back safely and was preparing Kal-El's pod. Kal-El was the first baby made naturally and genetically in the Codex. He was important. He was Krypton's hope. Jor-El had stolen the Codex and placed it in his pod, hoping he would use it right.

Kar-Lor and Pira-Lor accompanied them, getting their two-year-old daughter Kira-Lor in her pod. Just like her parents, Kira-Lor had a head of dirty blonde hair and golden expressive brown eyes.

The El's and Lor's were all part of the Science Guild, friends, and co-workers. After Jor-El had found the problem with Krypton's unstable core, he told his brother and his closest friends, and they all did the same thing; protect their legacies and Krypton's.

Each pod had been created as a data bank of everything from Kryptonian's language and culture to their science and military feats. It had all its history, everything for their children to stay connected to their planet and culture despite being shipped off to a new planet.

Jor-El had picked the best planet for them, a blue and green planet with a yellow star orbiting it. The Kryptonian babies could breathe and soak up the sun's rays. Their exposure to the sun's radiation would make them gods amongst mortals. It sounded nice in theory but would be lonely and hard to get used to and control.

"We must hurry," Pira-Lor told the others watching Lara-El hold her baby for the last time. She didn't want to let him go.

Kar-Lor kneeled before his young daughter and told her, "You must take care of Kal-El like your own, make sure he grows up safely. He is our hope."

The young girl nodded, and her father smiled, kissed her forehead for the last time, picked her up, and placed her in her white pod. Pira-Lor and Kar-Lor held each other, watching the pod descend into the rocket, never to be seen by them again.

The couple stood next to the Els and watched them do the same after ejecting the Codex into their baby, Kal-El.

Pira-Lor and Lara-El set in the coordinates and were readying the ships for ejection when General Zod and a few guards came bursting in. Jor-El and Kar-Lor, set in Kryptonian armor, faced them off, buying time for their wives and children.

"I know you stole the Codex, Jor-El. Surrender it...and I'll let you live." General Zod told the stubborn Jor-El.

Jor-El shook his head and said, "This is a second chance for all of Krypton...not just the bloodlines you deem worthy."

General Zod's eyes widened, asking, "What have you done?"

Jor-El smiled and explained, "We've had a child, Zod. A boy child. Krypton's first natural birth in centuries! And he will be free. Free to forge his own destiny!"

"He will be given a right we all should've had," Kar-Lor added. He believed in the child and that his daughter would protect him.

"Hersey," Zod spat out in disgust at his friends. "Destroy it," he commanded the guards as they readied their blasters.

They then began fighting. Kar-Lor shot the guards at point-blank as Zod, and Jor fought, trading blows and trying to hit the other. It ended with Zod getting a large cut on his forehead to his cheek.

Eventually, Zod fell to the floor breathless, and Jor and Zar stood before him with guns in their hands, ready to shoot.

"Lara, Pira listen to me! The Codex is Krypton's future. Abort the launch," he said, pleading. He thought he could help Krypton, but greed and power blinded him.

Lara and Pira ignored the man on the floor and proceeded with the launch, and the two pods blasted off.

"NO!" Zod yelled from the floor, stabbing the closest one to him, Jor-El. Jor gasped in surprise, and Kar yelled out for his friend. Zod stabbed him in the stomach as he raced over to help his friend. They slumped to the floor, and Pira and Lara ran to their dying husbands and cried.

"Your son, Lara...where did you send him?" he asked, watching the pods escape from his eye line. He didn't care about the other one. He needed the Codex.

Lara looked up at him defiantly as she clung to her dead husband and said, "His name is Kal...son of El. He is beyond your reach, they both are."

He rolled his eyes, rushed to his comrades, and commanded them to take the ship down. Before the vessel could shoot the pod down, reinforcements came, and they surrendered.

They were sent to 300 cycles of somatic reconditing, but they would find him soon enough. 


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