Prompt 8: Writing Their Names in Fresh Pavement [Styles]

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"Stephen...what are you doing?" Myles asked as he stared at his boyfriend.

"Writing my name in the pavement,"

"I don't think that's legal," Myles said. "It's gotta be illegal in some way. Even though the concrete didn't fully set, it's gotta still be considered vandalism or maybe even destruction of public property, right?"

"So?" Stephen continued running his fingers through the thick concrete, carefully creating precise letters that could clearly be read.

"So?" Myles raised a brow. "You're a goody two-shoes. You'd never break the laws,"

Stephen tilted his head and grinned. "Sometimes I wanna experience the adrenaline rush of crime as long as no one gets hurt," 

"I think I might've been a bad influence on you," Myles crouched down beside him. "What're you writing now?"

"Read it," Stephen finished everything off by drawing a large heart around everything.

Stephen Ahn ❤ Myles Joo

"That's so cliché," 

"You love it, don't you?"

"Of course I do. But as much as I like breaking laws, I don't want to get caught by having my name clearly written like this to lead the crime back to me,"

"Wouldn't it be great if it just finished setting like this and the world can see our declaration of love?"

"The construction workers could come back after we leave and just smooth it over before it's fully set,"

"Writing our names in fresh pavement is much easier than me carving our names into a tree,"

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