Prompt 1: Attempting to Build Ikea Furniture Together [Den]

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"I was only gone for five minutes to grab a snack,"


"Ben Park, how the hell did you already manage to fuck up the progress I made on the new bedframe!?" Donald exclaimed.

"I was just trying to help," Ben told him. "I'm kinda the reason why the bedframe broke in the first place,"

Donald sighed. "Did you even read the instructions?"

"No?" Ben shrugged. "I thought it'd be easy to assembly like puzzle pieces,"

"Ben, you suck at puzzles," Donald deadpanned. "Let me undo the damage you've done and you can help by only doing what I tell you to do,"

"Alright," Ben agreed.

After several hours had passed, they finally finished building the new bedframe. It would've been finished much sooner if Donald was working on it by himself, but he had allowed his boyfriend to help because he had seen how eager Ben had been to help him.

The two boy placed their mattress onto the bedframe and then laid down together.


"Yeah, Donald?"

"Don't practice wrestling moves on this new frame,"

|Weak Hero| Spring FluffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora