Prompt 3: Skipping School and Cuddling in Bed [Stray]

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Gray Yeon had skipped school.

No, he wasn't sick, and no, he wasn't hospitalized for severe injuries.

Stephen had slept over at his place Sunday night. When Gray's alarm went off so that they could prepare for school that morning, Stephen tiredly suggested that they just skip school for the day.

Gray, of course, immediately refused. If he missed school, he'd be missing multiple classes. He may be ahead of the curriculum and had read through all of his textbooks, but he still could end up missing something during the lectures.

Stephen hugged Gray from behind when he tried getting up and pulled him back onto the bed. "One day of skipping school won't severely impact your grade. It's not like we're missing midterms or finals,"

"You can stay and skip school," Gray told him. "But I won't,"

Stephen used his trump card. He gave Gray the biggest, widest, cutest puppy eyes he could muster. "Stay home with me? Please?"


"We can just stay in bed and cuddle,"

Gray sighed. "Just this once,"

Stephen pulled Gray under the blankets and hugged him closer, gently running his fingers through Gray's hair.

|Weak Hero| Spring FluffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora