Chapter 14: The True Storm

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Michikatsu sends daggers made of blood towards me, and I know at that moment, I'm as good as dead. Michikatsu is stronger than even Yoriichi at this moment. If I can kill him, every other demon who follows him will die. Yet I can't dodge. There's no way...will I lose again? Nomatter what side I choose, am I outmatched? Then suddenly, as I begin to feel the embrace of despair, Tamayo stands before me, taking the blow.

"Tamayo!" I yell, "You said you wouldn't sacrifice yourself again!" Tears fall down my face as he body crumples to the ground. Blood drips out of her mouth, staining her chin red. Her eyes look peaceful, and I hold her in my arms.

"I warned you," she manages to say, "that I would lie or betray my words if it became necessary. So...," she rasps with a laugh, "you better tell Sayaka to save me... from this feeble mortality." Her eyes close, but I realize as Michikatsu's hair turns white that she played the same trick on him that she should have played on me. I have a chance.

I summon all the power I have, red streaks running through my body, my eyes turning to slits. I can't lose this. I have to succeed, for Tamayo's sake. I send a blow at Michikatsu, but he dodges, unfazed. He sends more daggers at me, but this time I dodge.

"You've grown weaker," Michikatsu tells me with a laugh.

"Have you looked at yourself recently?" I ask, barely dodging another dagger as it grazes my cheek, "Tamayo is already messing with your head, I don't doubt it. You're growing weaker by the second." I see all his past scars become visible on his body. They're the scars that Yoriichi left from their battle. I watch him look more and more weak. More and more human. I see the sun rising at last. Never have I been so happy to see something I feared so much. I push Michikatsu into the sunlight, watching his body begin to crumble, and his size begin to grow.

"The irony is painful," I muse with a tired laugh, "I'm sorry Michikatsu, but I doubt Sayaka will save you like she did with me." Finally, he disintegrates fully, no longer able to cling to the little life he has left. I've lost Kagaya and Tamayo, and most likely many others. I stare out at the beautiful sunrise, placing my hand under the sun briefly. It's...warm. I step down the steps of the ramshackled estate, my feet land lightly on every wooden plank. The sunlight burns and stings as I step out and kneel on the ground. I don't run, I pray. I put my hands together and pray to the gods above, to Sayaka above all else, that Tamayo can be shown the same mercy I was. And at last, just as Michikatsu did, I disintegrate into nothingness, laying my ashes upon the same ground where Tamayo and Kagaya lie.

A/N: This will get a sequel with Tamayo as the protagonist! Can't wait to see you there!

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