Chapter 2: Can I be Honest?

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"Tamayo, I'm sorry," I say genuinely, because I AM. I really, really am.

"You're not. The demon king is not sorry," Tamayo says with a grimace gritting her teeth, "I know you are simply trying to play me, manipulate me into doing your bidding like you did when you made me kill my goddamn family."

"I-Tamayo..." I try to speak, try to explain myself.

"NO. You don't get to speak to me tell me what to do anymore. I am not the weak girl you saw 432 years ago," Tamayo yells angrily, pulling at her hair in frustration. I snap.

"Let me speak!" I scream, silencing her, "I'm fucking angry Tamayo. You think I wanted to be a fucking demon. You think a weak, frail, 22 year old boy who was sick and dying wanted that? Wanted to never walk outside and eat flesh. I'm not happy Tamayo. I don't enjoy this. I tried to numb myself, tell myself I was fine. I shut off my emotions falsely believing I could control the world. I'm not trying to lie to you, to manipulate you. You already fucking killed me and I feel like I'm going crazy. I thought I was dead until 5 hours ago when I was told to try again. Because it took being placed in a damn grave for me to wake up. For me to tell myself I was wrong. Tamayo, I'm not trying to lie and tell you that I am no monster. I have always been a monster."

Lady Tamayo POV

I'm speechless. For the first time in my life I have had a moment where I didn't hate Kibutsuji Muzan, the source of everything wrong with my life. For once I understand him.

"Thank you," I say with an ever faint smile.

"No, thank you," he says clearly in pain, "thank you for waking me up."

Suddenly, Yushiro comes barreling down the stairs and throws a katana, falsely believing that Kibutsuji had killed me. Ironically, the katana's course is aimed directly at me by pure coincidence, and I know that if that sliced my neck I'm done for. I close my eyes with no time to duck, but the impact never comes. I open my eyes slowly only to see Muzan with a hole in his stomach holding a bloodied katana. He sends me a grim smile and for a second everything is still and silent.

"Yushiro! I told you to stay upstairs!" I yell in frustration, annoyed at the foolish and impulsive yet well meaning boy.

"But Muzan's knocked out! This is our chance to kill him," Yushiro pleads, trying to explain his reasoning.

"Get me some medicine Yushiro, because I'm not letting this bastard die," I tell him, not as a question but as an order.

Within an hour the medicine kicks in and Muzan Kibutsuji wakes up.

"What happened?" Muzan turns to me searching for an answer.

"You jumped in front of me causing you to get stabbed by a nichirin sword," I saw acting calm instead of displaying my inner confusion.

"I see," he replies quietly, very different from the Muzan that I'm used to.

"Can somebody please explain to me why we're letting him live? From my perspective we just took away a chance at murdering the demon we've wanted to kill for quite some time," says Yushiro quickly losing patience.

" do I say this? This is Kibutsuji-san from the future, after I killed him. He was given a second chance by an Angel and he was hoping he could ally himself with us. After hearing his story I can assure you that this is no scheme but instead his honest hope," I say with a smile. Yushiro simply nods his head, taken aback.

"Well Kibutsuji-san, what do you suppose you plan to do now if you want to fix the world? I don't suppose you have a plan yet?" I question with immense intensity.

"I know I can nullify the fight from my side, but I still need to work with the demon slayers to ensure both sides safety and understanding. The reason I have come to you is because I know that you, better than anyone, knows their way around medicine. I was hoping you could create a cure to turn demons back into humans, and I am more than willing to give you as much blood as it takes," Muzan says with a sickening smile that I have already grown to know harbors no evil intent, "well, I'll be off now. Hopefully I can urge Kagaya in the right direction and avoid his death."

"Muzan..." I say quietly, "Just so you know, I will lie to you or betray my words if it becomes necessary. This is simply a warning." He looks back at me for only a second, and smiles, understanding my need to say this.

Muzan Kibutsuji then disappears into thin air, leaving me and Yushiro confused yet happy at this sudden turn of events. Perhaps there is still lingering hope for us after all...

A/N: This is the worst written chapter in the book, I'll try to revise it :( 

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