An unfriendly nightmare.

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Yep. You probably guessed it. Dream being Dream again! Yay!!!! :D

Dream POV:

I hopped into the sewer, hating how the ground underneath me squelched. I needed to do this, although it probably wasn't my favourite job.Skulking around in the goddamn sewer? Not my forte. I wanted a big, extravagant heist not creeping around like some basic asshole. I kept walking, for about 10 minutes, before I heard something. Footsteps. Two.

I quickly pressed against the wall as they went past. A red gown swept past me. This confirmed my suspicions. Technoblade. My nemesis. So who was the other one? I leapt out of my hiding place, drawing out my sword and stabbing it into into his accomplice. I realised a second too late that it was someone I recognised. Someone I thought as a little brother. Tommy.

He had a quick reaction and jumped out of the way and my blade sliced through the pungent air. Tommy leaped back and hid behind The Blade. I snarled. He would never hide away from me. What type of torture did they put him through to act like this. No one touches a hand on my things without me beating them to death.

For the split second I was distracted, The Blade pulled out his axe, The Axe of Peace, and struck me in my shoulder. I was blinded by anger and bellowed in pain. I swung my sword wildly, relishing the blood staining my sword. The Blade slashed into my stomach, making me  almost pass out for blood loss. I shot a sonar beep to signal to George to pull the ender pearl on my stasis chamber. I heard a sob, and a hand on mine, a flash of red wings mixed with blood. Then, the shadows welcomed me home.


"DREAM!" Sapnap shook my shoulders and I woke up, my vision blurry. My team stood before me, assessing the situation. A doctor called to me, rushing everyone out the door. I groaned as I tried to sit up to see one last glance of either George and Sapnap.

"You got beat up bad, that fucking slash on your shoulder will scar." Skeppy said.

"GEPPY! LANGUAGE!" Bad said, slapping his face.

"Ow! You bi-" A glare from Bad told him to shut up. These two Villains are one of the two most important in my league. The can steal and heal.

"Both of you shut the hell up and give me the pain killers, I feel like I want to die."

That shut up their bickering.

Tommy POV:

HOLY SHIT WHERE THE FUCKING HELL DID HE GO!?!? I didn't realise that I shouted my thoughts out until Technoblade put his hand on my shoulder.

"Breathe." I didn't realise I hadn't, and as I did, he responded.

"I don't know where he goes when he does that, but my bets are on a stasis chamber."

I snorted. "Of course he has one, it's near th-" shit. Shit shit shit shit. I should not of said that.

"Near where?" He raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head, not wanting to let any more traitorous words come out of my mouth.

"Fine, I have no choice." He pulled out his phone and texted someone.

"No choice to do what?"

"To move your mind reading schedule. It's now moved to tomorrow."

I don't hurt! | Tommyinnit Villain AU | An SBI story  *CONSTANLY BEING EDITED!*Where stories live. Discover now