Getting the savior back.

699 22 18

Dream P.O.V

"Drista. Stop."


"Drista, I'm not telling you what to do I just think-"


I stood up.


"Fuck you, where's Tommy. He would bake me decent shit."

"He told a 13 year old swears."

"Bitch you knew cuss words at 5."

"I'm going. By the time I get back, I expect you to eat all of the spaghetti  if you want ice cream."


"All. Of. It."

"Ok fine, Jesus. Tommy wouldn't treat me like this."

I sighed. Tommy was the reason this meeting was taking place. I exited our apartment and put on my suit for the meeting. Pressing the button, I entered in the secret password and entered the villain base.

"Finally! I missed you, Dream! I've been waiting for 10 minutes."

Gogy. The one person that is toleratable in this life.

"Hey George! What's up?"

"Nothing much. Sapnap and Antfrost are inside."


We walked to the meeting room and the sliding doors fell away.

"Hello, Dream. What is the report on Theseus?" Antfrost said.

"He is alive, I hope." I responded. If he was dead, the rest of the Villains would go with him. He was the strongest person alive, if he found out his true power.

"How are you... Dealing with the change?"


I. Was. Not. I couldn't take my anger on anyone else so I had reduced to punching a bag. A GODAMN BAG. It wasn't nearly as satisfying as flesh.

"George. Status update on Ranboo and Tubbo dealing with Tommy gone?"

"Not well. Ranboo's gone into an ender walk trance almost every day and Tubbo..."

"Tubbo what?" Bad asked.

"Tubbo is bad. He doesn't go out of his room, and throws bombs out the window."

"I'm going to assign them to a therapist." Antfrost said.

The situation was dire.

"What about our spy? What did he say about Tommy?" I asked. If they looked inside his mind we might all just be dead.

"He says... They have breached his mind successfully."

Shit. Shit shit shit. Call me a grinch and paint my balls yellow.

Every. Single. Person. Here. Is. Dead.

"But... But they might not of found the blueprints..." I asked, praying for our lives.

"If they did, we would of been obliterated yesterday. They haven't found it." Antfrost replied. I dont know how he can keep his cool like that.

"Ok, me, Dream and George will figure the Tommy situation out, you guys fortify the bases, in case they attack there."


Sapnap lead the way to the blueprint room, where it was covered from wall to wall of Pandora's box sketches and blueprints of the Hero Tower.

"Tommy, lives in the SBI Apartment according to the spy, so in order to get their..."

I finshed the sentence for him. "You can't."

"Dream. Shut up." George said. I huffed a breath of annoyance.

"You could only use bombs to break in and we don't have a person with that type of power except..."


This plan was all coming together. We would have Tommy by the end of the month.

Yeah this chapter is kinda absolute SHITTTTTTT but still poster it cause i am on an upload schedule :]. It's back to school tomorrow for me and i am gonna DIE. I haven't been paying attention to ANYTHING sooooooooo. Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

I don't hurt! | Tommyinnit Villain AU | An SBI story  *CONSTANLY BEING EDITED!*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant