Chapter Five

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The weekend before Thanksgiving, Emily finishes moving in the last of her things.

Alison touches the frame of Emily's prom photo on the mantle, smiling. "I wish I could have been there with you guys."

"That was the most fun I had after you moved." Emily slips her arms around Alison's waist. "Maybe we should volunteer to chaperone prom this year so we can have ourselves a prom together."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Alison turns around and slips her arms around Emily's neck kissing her gently.

Two days later, the three of them head to the airport in a rented van.

"Jesse, are you excited to meet new people?"

Jesse nods. "Very excited. Especially Aidan. I'm also excited to see Grandma and Uncle Jason and Aunt Charlotte."

By the time they arrive at the airport, the girls' flight has already landed. Hanna, Mona, Spencer, Aria, and Aidan wait for them outside. There are hugs all around and Aidan and Jesse climb into the van together to show each other their travel toys.

"I have missed you girls."

"We've all missed you too, Ali."

"My mom's flight doesn't land for another hour and a half. Want to go grab lunch and come back?"

They all agree, piling into the van and getting the boys situated before heading to a nearby restaurant.

"Aria, Em tells me that you've spent the last few years backpacking through Europe with Jenna?"

Aria nods. "Well, it started as that. Over the past few years I've backpacked through Europe, Asia, and Africa. Central and South America are next on the plan. I was just supposed to take a gap year but I fell in love with travel. Jenna actually found herself a nice girl in Amsterdam and decided to stay there. So I've been going it alone for about a year and a half. I'm hoping to meet a nice man who loves to travel as much as I do and maybe some day settle with him and start a family."

"It sounds like you are happy with how your life is going."

Aria smiles. "I am. What about you, Ali? Are you happy?"

"I am. I can honestly say, I don't have any regrets. If things didn't go the way they did, I wouldn't have my wonderful son and now I have the woman of my dreams too." Alison takes Emily's hand.

The six of them spend the rest of lunch catching up and laughing about old times.


They arrive back at the airport with a few minutes to spare. As soon as Jesse sees them, he runs to them.

"Grandma! Aunt Charlotte! Uncle Jason! Come meet my new friend Aidan!"

The three chuckle at the excited toddler as he leads them back to the others. Jessica smiles as she sees all her girls waiting for her.

"You're all so grown up. Emily brought me up to date on your lives. I am so proud of the women you have all became." She looks at Hanna, Mona, and Spencer. "I believe congratulations are in order. The three of you are already wonderful parents to your son and I know you will be even better with baby number 2."


The following days are filled with laughter and love. Thanksgiving day, everyone pitches in the help prepare dinner. Even Jesse and Aidan work with Charlotte to make turkey shaped cookies. They all sit around the table to eat.

Alison stands. "Before we eat, I just want to say that I am thankful to have each of you in my life. This is the true meaning of family. The bond we all share runs deep. No matter how long we are apart, we fall right back into place with each other and I am thankful that you are all here today. I am thankful that Jesse will get to grow up knowing what family means."


After everyone else goes to bed, Emily and Alison settle into their bed.

"Did you notice how Jason and Aria look at each other?"

"I did. I believe I heard them talking after dinner about him joining her when she leaves again."

Alison smiles. "Aria did always have a crush on him."

Alison cuddles into Emily's chest and Emily slips her arms around her.

"We have a perfectly imperfect family."

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