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At this point, I've lost count of how many drinks I've had. In fact, I don't even seem to care. The euphoric sensation of alcohol flows through my system, relieving my heart of the pain I can't otherwise seem to shake. I'd say I'm at my best when I'm drunk; I take every moment as they come, have hardly a care in the world and I forget about it the next day. If I could, I'd live my life constantly under the influence of alcohol.

"Want another?" The stranger next to me at the bar asks as my head turns to look at him. My heart comes to a sudden stop as I'm met with Harry Lewis. No, wait, it's not him. Although, I'll admit, the man has a striking resemblance to my ex. They share the same dirty blonde hair, warm, gentle, blue eyes and a decent amount of facial hair. I can feel my heart swell as my mind races, being infiltrated with Harry. 

"Uh, sorry...?" I choke, finding myself barely capable of forming a sentence. The stranger laughs at my question.

"I just asked if you wanted another drink?" He smiles. Usually men at the bar are creepy and have egos so high they could touch the clouds, but he seems, dare I say, normal?

"Oh, I probably shouldn't..." I admit, now caring about how much alcohol I've had as I try to remember all of the drinks I've had, "Oh, go on then," I give in.

"That's the spirit!" He smirks, ordering our drinks before turning to face me once again, "So, can I ask your name?" 

"Y/N, and you?"

"I'm Jordan," He extends his hand for me to shake - a rather odd gesture for such an informal setting but I accept his request anyway, taking his hand in mine.

"So, Y/N, are you drinking your sorrows away?" He asks, leaning on his elbows as I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Sorry, I just assumed you we're trying to forget something? I could be wrong, but I just got that vibe," He confesses, his eyes gazing into mine. I must be in a sorry state if a stranger I've known for less than five minutes can read me like an open book.

"Oh, yeah I guess you could say that," I admit, but Jordan looks like he wants to know more, "I was going out with this guy, but he cheated on me and...I don't know, he's just a prick," I continue, but I immediately feel guilty for painting him in a bad light to someone who cannot judge him himself.

"Ah, I see. Well, anyone who would cheat on someone as pretty as you is an idiot, that's all I can say," He chuckles before thanking the barman for our drinks. I laugh, but I can quickly feel my smile begin to fade as I come to my realisation. It's Harry I want. It's Harry I can't function without, can't breathe without, can't live without. I don't want to move on, I don't want to be with anyone else. A single tear falls from my eye as I know in this moment, that I'm never going to get over Harry Lewis.


A/N: Hellooooo, hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for all the votes recently, the support has been insane. Hope you're all doing well and stay hydrated :)

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