Part 1 (Karatachi Kagura)

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When the students got off the ship and set foot in the Village of the Mist, their overall enthusiasm didn't dampen a single bit. Even the usually calm Sarada and Shikadai were looking forward to what was going to happen next.

...I have to be careful not to get too excited, thought Sarada. Boruto however, who was usually bursting with energy, was somehow acting more calm and collected than she felt.

"Everyone, please line up for roll call!"

"Don't wander off!"

Aburame Shino and Mitarashi Anko were attempting to rally the students together. As expected of teachers, they were going about business as usual despite the thrill of being on foreign soil. Anko sensei appeared to be smiling on the surface, but she was still surveying her surroundings, eyeing the people that passed her by without dropping her guard.

When everyone finally lined up, Shino sensei explained that a guide was coming to lead them around the village. "Make sure you're on your best behavior," he warned.

The students automatically assumed that the guide would be someone affiliated with the government or a sightseeing tour guide of sorts. A few thought it might be even a teacher from the Mist's academy.

But all of their assumptions were wrong.

Before them stood a handsome young man who was not much different in age then Sarada, Boruto, and the rest of their classmates. The katana at his waist made a metallic clinking sound as he walked.

"Welcome to the Village of the Mist. From today onwards, I will be your guide. My name is Karatachi Kagura."

Kagura lightly tapped his chest with his fist and bowed his head to the class with pristine form. And just like that, he began talking to Shino sensei.

Upon seeing his features, a few of the girls chattered amongst themselves in shrill voices. But Sarada was more interested in the way Kagura carried himself than his appearance. Just by observing the way a man walked, one could often discern his level of skill. And from what Sarada could tell, Kagura was a highly capable shinobi.

His movements are sharp, yet fluid. There's no mistaking his abilities... If we fight, I might lose.

"He may not be much older than you, but Kagura is the Mizukage's right hand man," said Anko sensei, interrupting the group of squealing girls.

Anko sensei's explanation satisfied Sarada's understanding. If he was capable of assisting the Mizukage in a fight, then he had to be at the very least, a chunin.

When her analysis finished, Kagura's conversation with Shino sensei simultaneously came to an end. He drew closer to the students. Or more precisely, to one student in particular.

And that student was none other than Boruto

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And that student was none other than Boruto.

The entire class, including Boruto himself, could not help their surprise when Kagura singled him out of the group. The prickle of tension seeped into the air.

Kagura laughed softly and bowed in front of Boruto, attempting to relieve some of the strain. "It is my great pleasure to act as the escort for the son of the seventh hokage, the legendary Uzumaki Naruto, and his friends." His words and mannerisms were filled with nothing but pure-hearted sincerity.

Boruto, who had never been so revered in all his life, averted his eyes to the sky and began to panic. "S-stop!"

He extended his hand to Kagura, who only stared back at it with confusion.

"I don't care about my old man. I'm Uzumaki Boruto!"

For just a moment, Kagura's complexion changed. But as soon as that moment came, it was gone. And the disturbance faded with the wind.

"You can just call me Boruto... No need to be so formal," he said with a charismatic grin.

Seeing Boruto's laid back attitude brought a slight smile to Kagura's face. "Understood... Then you may call me 'Kagura' as well."

With that, he took hold of Boruto's extended hand and shook it firmly, exchanging smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Kagura!"

Sarada watched them interact. "They already became friends," she muttered to no one in particular.

She couldn't help but admire Boruto's assertiveness. That's just how he is... Not timid at all.

As she thought, she remembered something from their past. Sarada had been a shy kid, not able to fit in with the rest of the group. It was Boruto who had invited her, with great persistence, to join them. At the time, she was too introverted to come forward honestly and express her desire to play with everyone. But she remembered feeling like he had somehow saved her.

"Jeez. No matter how much time passes, he doesn't change." As she said those words, Sarada's expression was seemingly happy.

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