Part 1: The Encounter in Hidden Mist Village

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It has been requested by reddit users that I release smaller sections more frequently. So rather than taking a long time and doing it in the actual story parts, I'll be releasing these little chunks every Sunday. In the actual book, they are separated by this marking:

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I hope you continue to enjoy! :)

The sun's rays broke through the horizon indicating another day at the ninja academy

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The sun's rays broke through the horizon indicating another day at the ninja academy. But when Sarada stepped into her classroom, she immediately stiffened.

"N... Mmm.... Nnn...!"

Boruto was suspended from the ceiling a few feet away from the teacher's desk wrapped in enough rope to make him seem like a caterpillar undergoing metamorphosis. His mouth was adhered by tape that rendered him incapable of speech, but despite the restraint, he was making quite the racket.

"What's wrong? Hurry to your seat. It's almost time for homeroom," came a voice from the back of the class. It belonged to none other than their teacher, Shino Aburame.

"Y-Yes sir." Under the surface, Sarada was still stunned, but she kept her cool as she walked to her usual spot and sat down.

In front of her, Boruto was still squirming, the rope going taught and flinging him upward with every struggled movement. What kind of a joke was this?

Next to the teacher's desk, the class president, Sumire Kakei, was muttering her usual "hawawa" as she looked worriedly up at Boruto.

"Why... is he like that?" The question reflexively leaked out of Sarada's mouth.

"Yesterday, he tried to play a prank on the principal," said Namida Suzumeno, one of Sarada's classmates who sat behind her.

In the seat adjacent to Namida, Wasabi Izuno finished clearing up Sarada's doubts. "It looks like it's a punishment for that."

They always seemed to finish each other's sentences. Perhaps it was because the two were constantly together.

As she took their words into account, Sarada began to feel the exhaustion engraved in her body from the many times she had dealt with Boruto's stupidity. What did he do this time...

"He really is an idiot." She struggled to understand why he could put so much focus and energy into playing pranks.

Boruto caused his father trouble on purpose in order to get his attention, and even though Sarada found it childish, she also understood where he was coming from. What she didn't understand was why he had to involve other people, like the principal, in his attention seeking acts of rebellion.

He was a brilliant person. All the students in Sarada's class had a reputation for being outstanding, but Boruto rose above them all. His grades were excellent. He was the top of the class in both taijutsu and ninjutsu. The only person who could rival him in any way was Yuino Iwabe, a student in their class who had been held back. But academically, Iwabe couldn't hold a candle to Boruto.

That outstanding of a person was devoting his heart and soul to pranks. It seemed as though the other people around him were becoming annoyed as well. But at the same time, Sarada knew he was choosing his opponents with purpose.

In order to gain his father's attention, he only played pranks on the higher-ups. People like the school principal, Iruka, or their teacher, Shino.

For a normal person, playing a prank on an elite would be impossible. They would be detected immediately, their prank foiled before they could even approach.

But Boruto played pranks on these experts, and even though most of his pranks failed, there was a considerable possibility that he would get pretty far before he was stopped. More accurately, Boruto wouldn't choose to play a prank on someone if he had a surefire way to succeed.

Both Boruto and the people around him were probably unaware of it, but in his case, the pranks were functioning as training that allowed him to accumulate a massive amount of experience points.

"...Not that it leaves the impression of him being anything other than an idiot," mumbled Sarada, holding back the urge to sigh as she attempted to focus on homeroom.

Her eyes drifted to the blackboard, but what she saw surprised her. Sumire was standing in front of the class, writing letters in accordance with Shino's instructions. "School Trip. The Land of Water."

...The field trip that the Seventh was talking about! It was actually becoming a reality.

Aburame Shino cleared his throat. "You all will be representing the village. Try your best not to cause any problems. If you do, you can consider this trip as good as canceled," he warned.

He was stating the obvious. It would be outrageous to cause trouble on a school trip. Especially when that trip was to the land of your former enemies.

It wasn't something that was closely related to Sarada's generation, but when Shino had been around her age, he was likely involved with direct conflict between the leaf and the mist.

While the problem weighed heavy on Sarada's mind, it seemed to be of no concern to her classmates.

"So... This means we won't have class for a while?!"


They're all such idiots... As the thought drifted through her brain, she suddenly heard Kaminarimon Denki's voice.

"Everyone, school trips aren't just about having fun!" But it seemed as though his words fell on deaf ears.

"Don't be so stiff!"

"What a party pooper."

Sneering laughter echoed throughout the classroom. This time, Sarada didn't hold in her sigh.

"Men really are idiots..."

"Totally childish," laughed Cho-Cho, suddenly appearing next to Sarada with a smile.

Without knowing, it seemed as though she had become slightly irritated by the situation. But after seeing Cho-Cho's face, the thorns that prickled Sarada's heart slowly faded into comfort.

Thanks, Cho-Cho...

With that, Sarada attempted to turn her focus towards homeroom once more.

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