chapter 05

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jungwon: how'd you two get kicked out of the movies?

heeseung: ni-ki was yelling out diving scores during titanic when people were jumping out of the boat.

ni-ki: okay, but the last guy had a perfect 10, i'm telling you!


*enhypen loses ni-ki in a crowd*

heeseung: this calls for drastic measures...sunghoon you know what to do.

sunghoon: *stands on anything he can find* cute sassy demon child from japan!!

ni-ki: *runs out of nowhere with both hands in the air for no reason* who called me?

sunghoon: there he is.

heeseung; i.can'

jay: i thought you guys were joking about that being his nickname?!?

jake: aw, come on if anything he's at least a minion not a demon...but he is cute

jungwon: okay, first off what the fu-


heeseung: hey, did you ever find your library book?

ni-ki: no! i looked for like two hours and couldn't find it.

heeseung: did you really?

ni-ki: fine, you caught me. i looked for an hour...


ni-ki: five minutes


ni-ki: OKAY! i looked for it for like 2 minutes then i gave up. happy?

heeseung: 2 minutes? really?

ni-ki: jay was making dinner and i wanted to taste test it before anyone else.

heeseung: i raised you better than that.

ni-ki: you didn't raise me at all!


sunoo: hey, you ready to help me ruin people's day?


sunoo: i'm going to go up to random people and throw glitter in their faces.

jake: NO! no more glitter–i've been sneezing that stuff up for the past three days!

sunoo: why not- i even have a name now! sunghoon gave it to me.

jake *to sunghoon*: why did you encourage him?

sunghoon: i want to see people suffer. plus, the Glitterist has this under control.

jake: i'm sorry, what?

sunoo: prepare to get glittered BITCHES!


*heeseung, jungwon, and ni-ki are sitting in a bench*

sunoo: why do you guys look so sad?

heeseung: sit down with us so we could tell you.

sunoo: *sits down*

jungwon: the bench is freshly painted.


*house phone rings*

sunoo; enhypen residence, cute one speaking.


sunghoon: i wanna be a caterpillar.

jay: explain.

sunghoon: eat a lot, sleep, wake up beautiful

jay: you know you would have a lifespan of about a week, right?

sunghoon: another highlight.

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